Fit/Shape Magazine


I cant remember now which magazine it was, either Fit or Shape, but in June's issue there's an article titled something like "The 10 best exercise videos"...and not a single one was a Cathe video!!!! I was mortified!! Cathe deserves more recognition and respect!! Her videos are the best, obviously this magazine hasnt done their research!! I dont know about anyone else, but I'm going to write the magazine and tell them about the errors of their ways!!

Just wanted to share that,

:) Stacy
I saw the list myself and thought is was a dismal representation of exercise videos. How could something so effective be so inaccurately represented? Exercise videos are one of the best ways to get into shape and yet all of the really terrific people are more difficult to obtain. Why is that? I don't understand why you can get a Denise Austin video practically anywhere but you never see a Cathe tape. It has always been a mystery to me.

That was in Fit magazine and I was upset about it also!! They have reviewed Cathe's tapes and they always gave her 4 or 5 stars. They are going to have a barage of letters here very soon I think!!

If I could just play devils advocate here

Maybe we don't want to see Cathe everywhere. Perhaps we should keep her "our little secret" ;-) Let everyone else think Denise Austin can give you a serious workout. }> Okay I have never seen a Denise Austin video so that wasn't fair.

Dawn W
I saw it too

I saw the front of the magazine and turned to find out 'which' Cathe tape was mentioned or maybe there would be more than one! You could say I was a 'little' surprised to find her missing altogether!

People are missing out on some really good weight and step workouts if they don't find out about Cathe! It really is a shame she was overlooked.
Fit and Shape

What do you expect from a magazine that uses anorexic chicks for models? Please! None of those models have muscles or look like they do any sort of strength training. I say, show us REAL, healthy women in those magazines--women of all shapes and sizes, for crying out loud. Sorry to rant about this, but too many women and teenagers suffer from eating disorders because of the unrealistic body images that Fit and Shape bombard us with.
RE: Fit and Shape

I heartily agree with Suzanne. Fit & Shape need to use a variety of fitness types in their magazines besides the women they currently use. Show some diversity that reflects the real world please!!
RE: Fit and Shape

About a year ago, one of the mags I subscribe to had an article about women who weigh 140 (or maybe it was 145). It showed pictures of a variety of women with different body types that happened to weigh the same. I think it was meant to show that we shouldn't get hung up on a number on a scale, because that number looks so different on different women. All these women were very happy with themselves, if I recall correctly. I felt good after reading that article. The next month, in the letters to the editor, someone wrote in being very critical of the women, saying they looked bad and didn't belong in a fitness magazine. I was so angry at that person. I envisioned a thin, fit woman writing that letter, but then I realized that she was probably just like so many of us, struggling to get to some "ideal", and was frightened to see that some women can love themselves no matter what the number on a scale says.

Thanks for letting me ramble. Goodnight!!!

I subscribe to Fitness and Shape, but am not very happy with either. I think they cater to a small group, mostly very young girls, and their workouts are a joke, especially their weight workouts. I don't see how ANYONE can get a "bathing suit body" in six weeks doing what they suggest! They have good form pointers once in a while, but not much else. Someone needs to put out a really good women's fitness magazine, unless there's one out there I don't know about.
I too was surprised when Cathe's tapes were not recognized and I also considered writing this magazine to express my opinion regarding their selection. I have always thought that some magazines recommendations for fitness tapes were based more on fitness politics and how much proceeds they receive for sponsoring the tape instead of any real measure of the tapes quality as an exercise video. Even though SHAPE did give Cathe 5 stars for MIS and obviously that was legitimate. I would love to see a reputable fitness magazine do an article on Cathe and how fantastic her videos are.

I know what you mean honeybunch regarding fitness magazines. I read several and they leave a lot to be desired. I do enjoy "Walking" magazine. The focus is walking of course but the information is beneficial and the articles are good.
I've been giving this some thought. Maybe, the magazines have to gear themselves towards beginner exercisers?? I mean let's face it, there alot of videos that we used to use that we found hard. Now that we've become Cathe followers those video are NOTHING to us. They won't even get us winded!! For Goodness sake, some of Cathe's warmups are harder than their actual workouts! I don't enjoy Shape, Fit, or Fitness as much as I used to. I've been gearing myself more towards Oxygen or M&F Hers here recently. At least they are not afraid to show woman who have mucsle. IMHO, Cathe belongs in one of those magazines. She has the stamina, body, and workouts, that these magazines represent.

As far as women's fitness magazines, I find M&F Hers to be the best out there, but even it has its shortcomings. I guess what I dont like about that one is all the adds for supplements, but despite that I look forward to each new issue. It's now published bimonthly so the next issue should be out in July if my calculations are correct.
I think Shape does have rather thin models, but I do believe they offer sound advice.
I have never bought Oxygen or M&F Hers, just scanned them in the stores and I cannot see that they are presenting any more realistic or healthy image of women than the other mags listed. I guess I just do not think lifting weights for several hours a day and consuming highly restricted and/or high protein diet very healthful. This seems to be the bodybuilder ethos. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't they mention supplements a lot also?
KA, I agree, wouldn't it be nice if Oxygen and M&F Hers would get together with Fitness, Shape and Fit and find a middle ground. That's what I'm looking for anyway. A magazine for the series fitness nut, not the MS. Fitness Competition Bound woman, or casual work out for a month and then quit for a month, woman.
Dawn W
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-31-01 AT 05:19AM (Est)[/font][p]Some magazine should run a feature on women's softball players....has anyone noticed that they are a lot bigger than women in a lot of other sports? Lots of power behind the swing! I'd noticed that in the Olympics even with the '96 one. They are more realistic role models. I doubt if they would make it into the pages of Shape or Fit!
RE: I'll tell you one that did do that!

I used to get Women's Sports and Fitness and their very last issue and lots before them showed women of all sports to be their models!! However, they stopped issuing(sp?) because they didn't make a profit. I really liked that mag. Instead, my subscription was transferred to SELF. To tell the truth, I'm not thrilled with that magazine either.

RE: I'll tell you one that did do that!

I didn't like Self, either. All you chicks out there need to check out Men's Health! I'm telling you, it's the best magazine out there! Lots of work out articles, and some cooking and nutrition stuff, oddly enough. Men gotta eat, too!

So, I order many magazines in Fitness. I have shape, self, MF hers, and fitness and I also get Health magazine. I know it is a lot but I might as well order them because I buy them in the grocery store if I find a new one anyway. I just can't stand it. I think that each one might hold the key. Weird I know. I have read Oxygen quite a bit. I agree that it has a lot of supplement ads and people on crazy protein diets. I don't get it anymore. It isn't about health and a nice body. It's about starving, building unrealistic muscles using who knows what to get there. Anyway...Health is a good magazine on diet and new science research and stuff. Shape and Self do have skinny models that don't look like the could lift a weight if they tried but they do have some good info.
Just my opinion of course.
RE: I'll tell you one that did do that!

I have to chime in here. After reading honeybunch's recommendation some time ago, I started checking out Men Fitness. It is a great magazine!! :) Although, I do miss Women's Sports & Fitness...sigh.

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