Fit/Shape Magazine

that is so true, Aimee! I remember doing stepworks for the first time, and the warm up WAS harder than most of my other tapes! How funny :)
I just picked up the copy of Fit you're talking about. I think the front cover is misleading, as they refer to "the 10 best workout videos of all time", whereas the article is actually about "staffers favorite 10 videos", which are obviously not the same thing. They should actually do a survey of readers to get their suggestions on top 10.
Speaking of magazines rating workout videos. Anyone else remember when Shape used to do a yearly review of the year's video releases? It was one of the reasons I subscribed to the magazine in the first place, and where I "discovered" Cathe and some other great tapes. They stopped doing it a few years ago. I wrote to ask why, and they said that since they were producing their own videos (not something they continued with, obviously), it would be a conflict of interests to continue with the video guide. I, for one, wish they would get back to it, as I found it very helpful.
In the magazine business, the readers are not the customers. The advertisers are the customers. Since their $$$ provides most of the magazine's profits, whenever anything is endorsed in a magazine article, there's a good chance the company paid to have it mentioned. I'm not talking about the ads either.

I agree it was a dumb list. :) I'm just grateful I stumbled onto the inside track for the really good videos. Kath.
I agree that the list was not representative of exercise videos. If I recall, most of them were yoga videos. And even though I do the Firm videos, the two that were picked were not really representative of the Firm. I have always been disappointed by the reviews of these magazines regarding videos. I feel that they are pushing the current fads in exercise, not necessarily a program that will get and keep a woman in shape. Personally, I feel that they view videos as a lesser program than a gym. It's too bad because they are doing a disservice to the many, many people who exercise at home. (And coincidentally read magazines)

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