Fit moms-easter/post easter week

RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hi all,
It seems everyone I know is pregnant. My goal is to get pregnant before I turn 36 in january. This would give a 3 year age differce.

I am starting to gain weight back. I was about 100 when I got married at 27. About 99 for high school prom(after starving myself), and was 110 when I got pregnant. My weight was down to 101, and is now closer to 103 putting me in a 1 or 2 or Petite 2(as you all know, I am under 5 feet).

Alexis is talking more and more , her word of the week is crackah(cracker). She walks with quite a pace and her little body looks so cute walking around.
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Shopaholic, that would be awesome! Wouldn't that be something if the whole "old" crew became pregnant again?@@? Briee, are you out there? Autumn, Maggie, yew hew?@!?!?! Am I missing anyone else?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hi Melani

I'm not pregnant (at least I don't think I am). I just think that the little tickers are cute. I'll have to get one if we are blessed with another child.

It would be funny if we all were pregnant at the same time again:7 :7 :7.

Autumn--what is the Curves diet? I joined WW online a couple of weeks ago and it does not seem to be helping, although I just PMS'd and had a period, so the whole h2o retention thing was going on.

Bardric is not going to have 20 words by 20 months, unless he gets busy.....2 non verbal toddlers who feel the need to destroy everything in sight...It's a good thing they are sooo dang cute and sweet.

Someone gave me an idea of a big tub of dried beans to keep them busy--pouring them into cups and bowls and what not, so, I spread a sheet on the kitchen floor and gave them a big bowl of dried beans and measuring cups and spoons and stuff and what do you think they did?

Bardric dumps the entire container out and then Malcolm starts flailing the sheet around and dried beans are going everywhere, then both boys rolled happily in dried beans on the floor, flinging handfuls joyfully into space at regular intervals. Fortunately, clean up was fairly easy.

Another suggestion was letting them play with flour in a similar manner. Ummmm. I don't think so.

take care
RE: Guess who's pregnant? mom said she used to let my brother play in flour, which he loved. BUT he was an extremely docile child....I can't imagine what Noah would do...I'd have a home FULL of flour. I changed his diaper the other day and found.....a key, a key ring, and dental floss, among the normal things found in the diaper. No he didn't eat them...I think he stuffs them in his shirt and they drop down into the diaper...too funny. I have not attempted to potty train Hannah at all and the other day she got this "lightbulb" look on her face and she ripped off her diaper and said "I have to use the potty". That was that...she now uses it all the time. I'm trying to decide which was better. We potty trained the first four when they were just turning 2. With Hannah, I was too busy with Noah, so I put it off and she was nearly three when she did this....but it was MUCH easier. HMMMMMM.

I have been so busy with this addition that I can hardly remember my name. I blew off a dental appointment second one. I called in to give an EXTREME apology. Of course being the SECOND one that I forgot...they weren't happy. Oh my. I'm still getting workouts in....the only way to remain sane!!!!

Melanie...I just looked back in email and realized you emailed sorry...I will try to get you an email really soon!!! I'm very happy for all you prego's.....and happy that I'm not:7 :7 :7 :7 I'm finally getting some delts and intend to work on sculpting before any more babies ;) ;) ;) . You guys can't leave the fitmoms forum though, nope...I'd miss you too much!!

RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Melanie, I am sure by the time I get pregnant agaiin, you'll probably have given birth already. It took me 8 months to conceive Alexis, although it was missed timing as my cycles are so off. When hubby finally agrees to having a 2nd, I will start charting temps. I got pregnant the 2nd month of tempature charting. Of course, to get pregnant, I would need some alone time with hubby, when we are both not exhausted,LOl.

Maggie, I can't imagine 2 toddlers, one with special needs.
I am lucky, alexis entertains herself. Of course that does now include pulling out videos/dvds from the entertainment center and sitting at the computer. Have a toddler play in flour.....I would lose my mind.
Right now, Alexis is sitting in her little chair, watching the today show, I wonder if she likes Matt Lawer?
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hi Briee!

I am praying about how I am going to potty train thing 1 and thing 2. There's got to be a way. Our first 3 were soooo easy. I guess the Lord had mercy on me because He knew the challenges ahead. I just know that someday, all of this will have seemed so short. It's just a season of my life and most of it is joy with these two little ones, but a clean house? regular dinners on the table? Oh well the kiddos are gettin educated and I'm regular with my exercise:p :p :p.

Shopaholic--The little boys love videos, it's just that I don't want them watching all day long. If I let them watch all day long, they would cause minimal "destruction", but I would feel horribly guilty. I invested in these wonderful signing videos and I don't feel so guilty if they watch those.

It's just a season of my life:7

take care
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Maggie, Ms. Alexis is an exerciser in training, and usually dances to her videos so I don't feel too guilty. The video of the morning is sesame street get up and dance. She is moving around much more today , yesterday morning she was tired as hubby woke her up to try to get her back on schedule. I think I mentioned already, Alexis' favorite is american idol.
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Oops. I miss typed. I was wondering how far along EMY is, not Maggie. Silly me. ;) Anyone know? She must be about 1/2 way along, no? Emy...are you around?

Shopaholic, I am NOT kidding you: we only had intercourse once during the month we conceived. With Randy battling shingles we have put our intimacy on the back burner. All I can say is it must have been in the Lord's hands!!! Both Justin & Jory took well over 6 months to conceive. We don't watch American Idol. But Justin loves Baby Newton DVD by Baby Einstein. He dances around & holds 5 crayons in each hand when the video plays. It's only 25 minutes long or so, so I don't mind him watching it.

Briee, I'm so proud of your buff deltoids. Any bicep veins popping through yet?!?!? No hard feelings about the e-mail. I don't get my feelings hurt too easily. I know we're all busy busy moms!!!

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hello Ladies,
I'd like to join in the accountability. My second son is 6 months old and I have lost 30 pounds of my baby weight. I have 4 more pounds to lose to be pre-pregnancy weight, and then I have about 50-70 pounds to lose on top of that to be back to a weight that I am comfortable with. I am currently 200 lbs, but am shooting for between 130-150. I was 130 in high school, so we'll see. That was only 5 years ago, it might be attainable. What are you ladies that are still nursing doing diet wise? I could really use some help there. My body just really seems to hold on to the weight while I am nursing. I know that everyone says, just eat right and you'll lose the weight, or don't worry about losing weight while you are nursing, but I will be nursing for another year and a half most likely, and I really need to get back down to a healthy weight. Any help?

Thanks for letting me join in!

DS #1 2 1/2
DS #2 6 months
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hi Ashley

You can do it!

I wish I could type more now, but it's our bed time:)

Long story short, I topped out at 215 (I'm 5'4") lbs with my 4th child due to an extremely stressful pregnancy and started out my 5th pregnancy overweight. Due to a calories in/calories out diet (for the most part) and diligent workouts with Cathe, I currently weigh 132 lbs at 18 months post partum and am currently so close to a size 4 that I can taste it. I am struggling with the last 7 lbs, which do not seem to want to budge. My weight loss has taken a long time and I have hit several plateaus (I'm on one now).

I have used fitday ( , I think) to count calories at times and I'm currently doing WW online just for some extra accountability, although it does not seem to be helping plus they won't give you enough to eat if you are nursing, in fact you are not supposed to join online if you are nursing.

I found that I had the most success with strength rotations combined with cardio as intense as I could manage, but it's really different for everyone.

Look forward to hearing from you more:7
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hi Maggie!! The Curves diet is from the one and only Curves women's fitness program. :) You can read more about it at

I am pretty sure that this link will give you the basics.

I was going to start last week BUUUUT I started my period... so Monday evening I decided to have a bite of a chocolate Easter bunny... well I ate the entire bunny... Tuesday night I was craving chocolate... just one bite of the bunny... the entire bunny gone in a few bites! LOL!!! Luckily, the chocolate bunnies are gone. So, I hope to start tomorrow.

RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Melanie, Congratulations- that is fantastic news! How is life at home lately? Hopefully getting better!

I am 28 weeks now. I guess that means I'm in the last trimester. Along with that I am losing my second trimester energy burst. Tiredness has hit me like a ton of bricks this week. Of course, we just returned from a one week vacation, so part of it could be recouping from traveling and all that.

We are finishing our basement which I am so excited for. I need more play space for Max. Hopefully, he will spend more time down there when it is done in the next month or so, and quit destroying my kitchen, etc. Also, I will have a real workout area, instead of just the living room. Hurray!

Max has a temperature right now. Yesterday it started at 103, then I got it down, but this morning it was back up to 102.8. Poor little guy had to whimper himself to sleep tonight, even after mom and dad rocked him forever. Hopefully, it is lower tomorrow or I will try to get him a doc appt.

Max would love if I gave him beans to play with! I don't know if I would do that though. Sounds like too much of a mess. Of course, he already finds a way to make a mess of everything anyway.
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

I hope max feels better soon.!
Ashley welcome! I stopped nursing about a year ago and did lose about 5 pounds quickly after she weaned herself. I was never one to count calories but recommend eating healthy meals and snacks to avoid junk food binge eating. Don't cut portions of meals, eat what you need but limit the fatty foods. Also plan snacks, have a yogurt or piece of fruit on hand. I ate nearly as much nursing as when i was pregnant.
I used to focus more on aerobics than weights, but now give them an even focus. Due to this, I believe I now weigh less than prior to my pregnancy. My daughter is now 19 months.
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Thanks ladies for the welcome. I did Kick Punch and Crunch today and hit a record for my self. Previously, the farthest I have been able to get in this video was thirty minutes. But today, I did all but 10 minutes of the aerobics, plus I fast forwarded to the abs and stretch. So all in all I got a 55 minute workout. This is the only Cathe video that I have done so far, I have the Blast series, and am going to order some more shortly. Actually, 55 minutes is the longest continual workout I have done since before I was pregnant with my first son!!! Wow, that's exciting!!!
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Great job Ashley--

Just keep adding a little at a time (so you don't injure yourself).
And don't be afraid to modify if stuff is too intense for you. I did a lot of this and eventually, I was able to do more and more of the things Cathe does.

Once you start buying Cathe stuff, it's hard to stop:p

A good, fun low impact but tough calorie burner is Low Max. I highly recommend it.

take care

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