Hello All!
DBelden- you rock for losing two lbs- I think you're smart to not be too restrictive. I have been thankful to just not gain weight much less lose! Good luck on the new job!
Janie- I thought you're name was "Janiejoy" instead of "Janiejoey", at first, so now, whenever I see your little mee, I think of Janiejoy! A fitting name for such a sweet positive soul! Have a great day tomorrow!
Kariev- you are an inspiration! I am so happy to hear what you're doing, because it makes me want to do better, thanks for sharing your progress!
Eriniski- Have a great Friday off. Everyone needs to take a day to stave off mental exhaustion. I hope you go somewhere different and intriguing, so you feel renewed, instead of doing laundry. Sorry, just projecting
Today, I did cardio coach #5, and could breathe just fine, but it is absolutely stunning how not exercising for 5 days makes you (me) feel like I haven't exercised for months! I was sucking wind, and my feet felt like they were made of lead. Eating was great during the day, as always, but when I come home, I've been having mini Reese's. Blast the Reese's! I eat them one by one, and they are so addictive. Tomorrow, no Reese's. That is my vow to you ladies!
Have a great day,