Fit for T-Day Monday


Morning ladies. Didn't get up to workout this morning so i'm annoyed with myself! My alarm went off at 5 but i just couldn't find the energy to get up and push myself. I didn't even go back to sleep. I just laid in bed and watched the news. What a waste! So now i have to get it in when i get home. I may do my circuit but have been thinking of a different rotation this week. Let me know what you think:
monday: GS: chest and triceps, 20 min interval cardio
tuesday: GS: legs; abs
wednesday: GS: back, shoulder, and biceps; 20 minute interval cardio
thursday: legs and glutes; abs
friday: pyramid upper body; 20 min interval cardio
I'm not sure if i'm going to do this though. What do you all think? This way i'm hitting everything 2 times per week and i'm also getting in some intense cardio. I'll decide what i'm in the mood for when i get home today. I finally get my cheat me tonight! I can't wait. My body is definately letting me know it needs a boost in cals b/c i'm sooooo hungry all the time right now. Hope you ladies have a good day.
Hi, Kariev. I like the looks of your rotation. THe extra added-on cardio is short, so it doesn't make your workouts so long that you can't keep up with it....physically and mentally. Try it for a week. Then see what you think. was GS BSB on the November rotation. I WILL FINISH this rotation. My attention span STINX! :)

OK.....gotta scoot to get a few things done before work/school.

Both workouts look good.

Kariev same thing happened to me this am i think that looks doable and if for any reason if doing the over hour seems tought do a premix timesaver for the lifting and the 20 minute int cardio. this way it stays in an hour so doesnt get overwhelming with holidays and all.

Best yet make a promise with yourself if you are just not up to the workout try it 10-15 minutes and see still not feeling it make yourself a nice CLEAN din din and get a good night of zzz's so the next am you will be ready and rearing to go.

the same thing for me yesterday and this am so I am 2 w/o's behind so I am going to try to double two of them up later this week when time alots me :)
Hi ladies. Just finished my workout. I decided to do my circuit. I've only been doing these circuit workouts for a week and a half and i've already seen changes in my body so i need to stick with them until they stop giving me results. The time goes by so fast and they are so efficient. It was hard getting going but was i was going i was good. I just don't have that much pep after a long day at the hospital walking and treating patients. Hope you ladies had a good monday!
i'm back from my cheat meal. it really hit the spot! i had a blackend dolphin sandwich with fries on the side. i also had 2 pieces of bahama bimini bread which is this awsome sweet bread that has a sprinkle of sugar on the outer crust. its to die for. my body needed these extra cals in the worst way. i'm felt run down and starving no matter what healthy food i ate. being in a mental mindset not to binge is so relieving.
HI Guys! workout is done... starting week 3 of Cathe's November rotation and did GS BSB! My arms are still shaking from it!

Kariev: whew... glad thats done and you can move on to the rest of the week! I know how frustrating it can be when you are looking forward to something so badly and then don't get it, so glad you made it! Will save a bigger breakdown during the rest of the week IMO! :) Your circuit workouts sound fabulous! you go girl!

Eriniski: Hang in there and don't get discouraged! It's not the end of the world, just have to work a little harder when you do have the chance to work out! :)

Gayle: YES WE WILL make it to T-day with some great results to show for it!!!

I am sporting a mild case of the DOMS from my KM workout yesterday! I did a few glute bounces on the stability ball as well so my cheeks are nice and sore!

Hang in there Ladies!!! sooner than you know, we will be saying FIT FOR CHRISTMAS!!!

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