Hi ladies! I never worked out today. I was exhausted when i got home, hoped on the treadmill thinking i'll just do a 30 min jog, got off within five minutes. I just wasn't up for it today and instead of pushing it and running my body into the ground, i decided i will rest today and make up for the missed workout over the weekend sometime. Mentally i feel guilty for not doing it but physically my body is thanking me. Plus, if i start turbulance training its an every-other-day workout so technically today should be a rest day. Tomorrow i will do my first turbulance workout so i will let you ladies know how it goes. Never went tree shopping with my mom. She called me that morning and said her neighbor picked one up and helped her put it inside. I was a little bumbed about that but no biggie.
Dani, the email you gave me didn't work. It sent the email back and said "unknown address" can you post it again and i'll try again. If it wasn't the address it means that the program is copywrited and blocked from email but i'll try again. Good workout! GSL is a tough one. Are you doing fitnessfreaks rotation? I always curse at cathe in that workout LOL!
erinski: i'm glad you are feeling better. I will try and send over that program for you now.