HI Ladies:
I'm done with my workout tonite and my arms are still shaking... did GSCT so back on track after my slight back setback this weekend... I'm still feeling a bit funky... Aunt Flo decided to catch up with me for a few days... Hate that! so I think it's just my cycle messing with me... I have a DR.s appt wednesday and have lots of questions to ask... think I might have started having hot flashes, and starting to be peri-menapausal...
not looking forward to that, but will see what she says... I have a LONG list this time, since starting to work out... and getting older everything hurts!
Kariev: I think that if I get any more series, it will be the Pure Strength... I don't like 4DS because it has too much step in it, and I HATE step... but LOVE the weight training... that's why I am SO excited for STS! Good job on the clean eats and the great workout!
Eriniski: glad you are feeling better, but pace yourself... hope your full body felt good today! Which one did you pick? I really like ME and MM!
did not log my eats into Nutrition Manager today... I was trying to figure out some good menu alternatives and have one that I am tweeking, so will forego the entry for today... I do need to hit the store tomorrow though... can't eat what's on the menu if you don't have any of the ingredients!
Here's hoping that you both have a great day tomorrow and we'll chat then!