OMG! Such a busy day yesterday! and then Happy Hour! sorry for not checking in ladies... I didn't get home until about 9pm or so and went straight to bed.
HR was fun and I only had 3 (casino version) fuzzy navels so had a great time and was able to get home with no issues (and we were there for over 4 hours!)
Taking Furbaby (Missy Lou - Avatar) to vet today for shot updates and checkup! then off to do some last minute shopping.. so you actually believe men when they say "you don't need to get me anything!" UGH... I bought his amp for his guitars this week as his gift... so now need some little things... not sure where we are going to put them, as we haven't even put up a tree or anything... yet...
Kariev: I am SO happy for you and leaving ICU. that must be SO hard to work with all those critical patience! I have to give you credit for being in the medical field let alone ICU! What's next then? Have a wonderful time in the Keys... DH and I were there a few years back and went fly/tarpon fishing in Marathon and rented a Vacation Rental house on the water for 10 days and had a BLAST! Also looking forward to the CL EXtreme reviews... so far they have been moderate... I didnt' like TurboJamb and returned the series, so I don't think I'd like this one either, but never know. I just love Cathe right now, so will stick to what is working (ok, when I actually DO them)!
Eriniski: Stay warm and safe! I lived in Alaska for 5 years, I would get SO tired of the endless days of snow and ice... So go figure that Vegas has had snow for most of the week! rare but it happens!
Have a great weekend ladies & will catch up with ya on Monday!