First time with Kick Max today!


Loved it!! I love the hammer punch!!!

I equally love the premixes, as does my wife, because by being able to do the low impact without the blasts, her fine collectables are safe from me jumping...I'm not the smallest guy around!!...:)

The conditioning drills were really eye-opening!! What I mean by that is, as I have some kickbox experience prior to Cathe, I thought I'd breeze through the when she introduced the chair...silly me!!

My legs are nice and sore...well, maybe not so nice, but it showed me that I still have room for improvement!!

Another winner from Cathe..big suprise;-)

this is one of my favorites! when i first did it, i wasn't really getting out of breath with the punching combos in the beginning. and i thought to myself this is to easy. BUT THEN........the high intensity cardio blasts for the last 20 min kicked my butt!!! i will never doubt cathe again;)
I have been doing Kick Max more lately, it was my first Cathe w/o so when I got KPC I did it more but now I'm doing KM more than KPC. I always do the blasts first, then the combos, then the leg drills. I like getting my heart rate up right away & then working to a lower heart rate which makes going right to the leg drills better IMO. Sometimes if you really want a killer w/o do the blasts, combos, blasts again, then leg drills!!

I've also been doing the leg drills at least twice a week & it has really helped with the flexibilty of my hip flexors and also has really improved my kicking and stretching ability, I never thought my hip flexors would be that flexible as I've always been tight in that area.

Jerry- If you really like kickboxing and more athletic type workouts you'd probably also really like Drill Max (my fav) & not sure if you can still get Powerstrike 1&2 from Ilaria but those are my 2 fav non-cathe kickboxing workouts. Sorry, can you tell I'm a kickboxing nut?!?!? :p
Hey Jen,

I'm going to try doing the blasts first, and then the combos the nest time I do Kickmax. I am a kickbox fanatic too, and lately have been throwing all of my kickboxing workouts in, from Cathe to Tae bo to Powerstrike. I am soo ready for Cathe's new KB workout.

Jerry, if you can get your hands on any of the Powerstrike workouts, I'd highly recommend them. They are great. By the way, it's nice to see you here.
Yo, Iris!!!

What's up!!!! Cool to see you as well!!!!!!!!!!!

I do have Powerstrike 1, which I like as's great to have a variety to choose from, but Cathe's DVD's are simply exceptional!


You can also try it like this.

Warm up
Combo 1
Combo 2
Combo 3
Combo 4
Repeat blasts
Leg drills (optional)
Cool down

I did it this week and it worked me hard. I was afraid that jumping straight into the blasts after warm up was a bit too much hard work and repeating the blasts at the end would be too repetitive and too my impact. Doing the 1st 2 combos loosened up my body and prepared me for high intensity, the next 2 combos let me recover from the first set of blasts.

I wish this was one of the premixes.

I love Kick Max also. The one thing about Cathe Kickboxing is that she pays attention to good form and safety. I think that I pulled a muscle doing another persons kickboxing DVD.DOMS in one leg,is not suppose to last for a whole week.

KM has four premixes so that is 4 weeks of kickboxing for me. I do kickboxing once a week.

Jerry do you have Kick Punch and Crunch...another winner.

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