First Time On Forum but Long-time Cathe Fan


Active Member
This is my first time on The Cathe Nation forums, but I've been working out to Cathe for a looong time. I first started with her workouts that aired many years ago on Fit TV. I dvr'd them and kept them for a long time, rotating through the workouts. My dvr would give out at least once or twice per year, and I'd have to get a new set. I'd lose all the shows, so I'd have to re-record them. Then, a few years ago, Fit TV went away, so I went to Cathe's website and bought a whole bunch of her dvd's, some that I'd worked out to previously via the dvr, and some newer ones, like the STS series. I also use P90X and Supreme 90 Day, and I have one Jillian Michaels dvd, but the bulk of my workouts are Cathe, and I've got to say, at age 50 (well, I'll be 50 next week), I really am in the best shape of my life, and that's actually saying something because I've always been physically active and in good shape. I def have more muscle mass now than ever, which is key to being fit and strong as we age. I recently tried CrossFit, but ended up coming back to Cathe because for me, I've yet to find any other brand or workout regimen that can build muscle and fitness the way Cathe can. A lot of my friends and even strangers ask me how I'm so fit. Do I diet and work out every day? Nope. I tell them that my go-to workouts are usually Cathe's, I home-cook most of my meals (I love to cook), and I strength-train (with heavy weights) four times per week, two lower body and two upper body. That's pretty much it (I do walk my dog several days per week, but I'm not trying to get a workout in, I just like getting outside, and the dog needs some exercise. If the weather's bad, and I don't have a strength workout that day, I might walk on my treadmill, or not). Also, I'm very consistent about working out. I don't try to convince myself to do it. I just do it. It's like a scheduled appointment that I must keep, and there is something to be said about having a routine. My workouts are scheduled in a way in which I'm least likely to find a reason to not do them. For me, I'm very likely to not feel like working out on Mondays, so that's a scheduled rest day. I work out every T & F (lower body), because those are my days off, and I feel I need more energy to do a lower body workout. I workout either Sat or Sun (upper body), and the other weekend day is a rest day, and then I workout either Wed or Thurs (upper body), depending upon my schedule and how my body feels (I always allow 72 hours rest between working out the same muscle groups).

I've found that the routine I've established works best for me, but an entirely different routine works best for my husband. So find the routine that works best for you and be the best "fit and strong" you can be. Going to do STS ME Disc 12 Legs today :)
[ My workouts are scheduled in a way in which I'm least likely to find a reason to not do them. For me, I'm very likely to not feel like working out on Mondays, so that's a scheduled rest day. I work out every T & F (lower body), because those are my days off, and I feel I need more energy to do a lower body workout. I workout either Sat or Sun (upper body), and the other weekend day is a rest day, and then I workout either Wed or Thurs (upper body), depending upon my schedule and how my body feels (I always allow 72 hours rest between working out the same muscle groups).

I've found that the routine I've established works best for me, but an entirely different routine works best for my husband. So find the routine that works best for you and be the best "fit and strong" you can be. Going to do STS ME Disc 12 Legs today :)[/QUOTE]

I found your post motivational. Welcome to the forum.

Hope to read more ;-)
Brigette, I saw on your profile that you participated in a body-building contest. So cool! I have thought about doing something like that but don't really know that much about it or how to get started. I'd likely struggle with the diet anyway. Do you still participate in contests?
Hey Vbrady! Welcome! I kind of lurked around the forums for a long time before I actually posted anything too. Glad you're here!

I agree.....I just turned 49 and Cathe my Queen has me in the best shape! I falter every now and then but she doesn't give neither do I. I've worked out for sooooo long that I too, have it as an appointment I keep. And yes, people ask if I diet and I say "No....I'm a Cathlete!" ;)
welcome to the board your gonna fit right in with us fitness fanatics ;)

I only workout 4 days a week do to 12 hour shift/3days. I don't have certain days do to crazy schedule. I will do double workouts on off days and I do total body weights or a upper/lower split depends if I'm bulking or cutting.

My standing workout time is usually around 7pm may start a little earlier or later and usually hour or 2 depending on energy and what I've got scheduled

Its funny but my dh is working out of town and doesn't get back to his hotel room till about 6:30. He tries to call me right away cause he knows nothing stops me from my workouts LOL. He will text be after 7:00 to say goodnight if he doesn't call early enough cause I usually don't leave our home gym until 8:30 -9:00 and he is already in bed. I'm a second/third shift person big night owl. My dh in bed at 8:30 and up at 4:30 am. We are opposite but have workout the rough edges. I tell you when we first got married he would get so mad cause on our off days or when we were vacation he would want us to be doing something by 7 and I'm not out of bed till 12:00 and ready to get active till 2 :D
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Hi, welcome to the forum. I was an amateur competitive bodybuilder as well. (I was younger and cuter (is that a word?) then. It was a fun and interesting experience. But again, welcome.:)
Welcome!! Love your workout "philosophy"!

You said you workout upper body twice a week, do you rotate btwn splits or do you usually do total upper body twice a week?

Besides a dog walk, do you do any other cardio?

Thanks for your response! :)
Hi Vbrady,

I did that one contest in Toronto and came in third in my catagory.
The diet part is hard, and I think I lost some musle mass while getting contest ready. I may do another one day, you never know:p
Nice to hear from you and again welcome:):)

Stacy---I rotate between splits for upper body. I've found that's the best way to really build upper body strength and exhaust the muscles (in an approx 1 hour workout). I don't do cardio-specific workouts, though most of my strength workouts have some element of cardio because I'm lifting heavy, or it might be an endurance workout. I've found that by really giving it all I've got in my strength workouts, I've def built up cardio endurance, too, to the point where walking the dog or walking at a 15% incline on the treadmill doesn't really feel like a cardio workout anymore (which is a good thing, to me!).

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