First major temptation of '04 thwarted


I came into work this morning and there it first temptation...FUDGE AND COOKIES!!! I just walked past it! I couldn't believe it...I am definitely from the "if it's free, it's me" crowd...but said "NO" anyway.

I don't have cravings anymore since I started eating healthier...I had to suck-it-up on my first week of eating well...but now I feel like I am in the to speak.
I think it's been just a feels like forever. 10 days maybe...I know my first day was filled with stomach problems :)
I know what you mean about temptation. I work for a school district and all the employees who received candy and such from well intentioned parents have made the staff lounge the dumping ground for all of it. It's like running the gauntlet of junk food and crap! Congratulations on avoiding this major pitfall!!! I've been about 95% good, I admit that I have so far succumbed to a Cremesaver and a Hershey's kiss.
Good for you! I have to get something set up to.I lost some weight over christmas and now my eating habits are getting back to normal but I have kicked my workouts up a notch.
I find that when I try to stay away from treats and I have just one,I realize how sweet it actually is.I need to start avoiding stuff like that again.Lucky for me, there is no cookies left in my house.There are only a few candies left and then thats it!
Good luck,
Good for you! Its tough with the food around. I don't think I'll ever get over my sweet tooth cravings. wish I would though, I would be a lot thinner!!

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