First Internal Exam today


Well, I started 37 weeks on Sunday and have my first internal exam. I don't know what to expect. I don't know if I'll cry or by happy if I'm not dilated! Plus, I'm having it with a male doctor - which thrills me very little - but I'm sure he's very nice. Plus, it's the first of all my visits that my husband can not attend with me...

I guess I'm a little scared - not sure why - maybe the unknown or the finality of the awesome experience I've been on the last 9 months.

I leave for the doctor in one hour and 30 minutes - but who's counting?
I'm sure everything will go very well. Don't worry about being dilated or not...the baby will know when to start the process. Just relax. My internal exams were a little uncomfortable and you might have some contraction type feelings afterwards and you might bleed a bit. I'm sure the doctor will tell you all this. Just relax and the exam goes quickly. Let us know how things are when you get back!!!!
I'm back

O.K. - now I have to say, that had I seen I doctor that I'd already visited with, this would have been a very different experience. It's as if someone knew that it had to be memorable!

First I waited 1 1/2 hours - never happened before.

Second, while waiting in an exam room, I was able to over hear the first visit of a woman with this doctor I never met because he left the door cracked open (he also had a medical student with him). So I hear him explaining to her how to to Kegels. I can tell that he is examining her internally and telling her to "squeeze and release" so she understands the idea.

THEN - I hear her yelp (literally) and I hear him say, "That was my whole FIST. So you see, there's no need to worry, you'll have PLENTY OF ROOM TO GET THE BABY OUT."

This was NOT helpful for me to hear prior to my own internal exam with him. My exam was uneventful. I'm at -2 station. Don't know if I'm dilated. I'm supposed to meet with him next week but I think I will be unable to attend that day and will have to go another day for the "same day" appointment opening.

I'm sure I will start laughing after I secure an appointment with a different doctor! Making a little note to myself that he can not be the doctor in attendance for my home birth...whew!

I'm so glad my husband wasn't there. The doctor was older, very nice, just not my style...
Hi Jeni,
I had my first internal exam too yesterday (even though I'm just 36 weeks) but mine wasn't as interesting as yours! My husband was there, and I got the not surprising but somewhat disappointing news that my cervix is closed and the baby hasn't dropped, which I was pretty sure of anyway. Oh well, he did say that if I had not gone into labor by the time I was 39 weeks along he would induce me, but that's because of my gestational diabetes mainly. Anyway, here's hoping your next appointment is a little more what you expect!
Take care,
Oh geesh...

The things we go through ...

I'd had surgery for a bad Pap many years back, so with my first, they did more internals than usual to make sure that my cervix was tight throughout my pregnancy. So, one day I go for my appointment, and my nurse says, "It looks like you're due for an internal exam today -- go ahead and get undressed from the waist down." So I do... and I'm sitting there FOREVER on the table with the little drape around my waist... when the oldest doctor in my group practice comes in (and he had a really dry sense of humor... hardly ever gave you a real smile) and says, "So why do you have your britches off today?" I was like HELLO!!!! Your nurse told me to!!!! :) Makes a good story anyway...

BTW, don't get discouraged with any reports of little progress in your cervical area... I knew one woman who was 3 cm. for almost a month before giving birth... but when the time came she didn't even make it into a delivery room! (Sheila probably remembers her from class... she was religious about coming and was always at the front of the class. After her baby dropped,her tummy was at such an angle that she looked like her baby would fall out on the floor, she was carrying her so low!)... but then so much more often, women will be told that little or nothing is going on, and then all at once they'll go from a cm. or less to full blown labor in one morning.

I was tempted to forego internal exams this time around because with my first, I was completely in tears when, the day before my due date, the doctor told me that nothing was happening yet. I thought I'd never have that baby... he was born the day after my due date!!

Anyway... you are certainly in the home stretch now! :)
Thanks for the replies! I'm actually telling the story now in tears of laughter. What has also surprised me is that my mom, who is a pediatric nurse practitioner, has been trying to explain to me why the doctor did this (e.g. because some woman aren't "big" enough and just need a c-section). I keep cutting her off and saying that that's why I prefer woman doctor's. Even if a female were to do that, I think she would give a little warning.

My next two appointments are with my female doctor. I just keep thinking that I never thought I'd EVER hear those words in relation to ANYONE'S internal exam!

I'm just getting to excited. All I have left to do is wait. There's things to be done but I can't do them until the baby arrives! Come on mister-sister - can't wait to me'cha!

Well, I had two babies with midwives, and I can tell you, your feelings are right. Women do not treat other women this way. I was never treated with the total lack of respect your "Dr" showed for his patient. Your mom has been hanging around Dr's too long if she believes it is necessary to treat a woman that way for her to give birth.

No one had to check my size by fisting me, thank you, and if anyone did, they would be reported immediately. That is not acceptable, nor will it give much information about the baby coming out. Babies usually get hung up in the pelvis, not trapped because your vagina is too tight. They certainly can tell quite in time to do an episiotomy, which I am sure he would have no qualms about doing, once the baby makes it that far.

Better luck with the women Dr's. No one should be treated that way. It doesn't help in any way (except to let him get off on his power trip).

And, thanks for making me appreciate how well I was treated by the women who cared for me.

Sorry to rant, but this really upset me- I dont' think it is funny at all.

>I keep cutting her off
>and saying that that's why
>I prefer woman doctor's.
>Even if a female were
>to do that, I think
>she would give a little

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