Firm's rip-off workout equipment....


Why does The Firm only sell their new videos with some fancy new cheapo rip-off exercise equipment????? Last time it was the "Fanny Lifter" now it's the "Sculpting Stick". I actually like Firm exercises when I want to mix things up from my Cathe tapes. I like their incorporation of lighter weights and quicker reps.

I really love having a variety of workouts since I only do home workouts, but it really bugs me that I can only get these new Firm tapes if I also order that ridiculous stick - which in my opinion, after watching the video clip on Collage Video's home page, is no different than my 12 lb bar without the added weight plates!!!

I'm very grateful that Cathe presents us with videos (no equipment included), and then gives us choices about what we want to go buy. Even though I did run out and buy a medicine ball (I already had the stability ball) specifically for the Intensity Series, Cathe allowed us the option of buying this extra equipment. She did not 'bundle' her tapes/dvds in some ridiculously overpriced package with equipment we didn't really need.

Okay, I'm done. I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.

Yes, the FIRM does like to throw in the new equipment! If you look at the progression of various step-up devices they have offered throughout the years, there are at least three different versions: the original 14"or 17"stool (which you didn't HAVE to buy), then a round mini-step thing, which I think was only used in 2 videos (Tortoise and Hare). Then, the "fanny lifter" (which, in case you forget the name, is mentioned ad nauseum in the videos).

And now this new "stick", which is, by the way, different from the previous object they called a "stick" (which was just a dowel, which is what they called it previous to calling it a stick....are you confused yet?).

While the new videos sound interesting, the idea of being forced to buy a new piece of equipment for them really grates me.

I second that.

they are a rip off, and I also like to shake/change things up a bit by doing other workouts as well.
I am interested in the body sculpting system 2 dvd set but I know that if I wait for around six months I might get it without the stick/fanny lifter.


But then why should I buy it at all, I am getting so much pleasure from learning cathes workouts which I will enjoy for years to come.

Oops!! I think we have posted on the wrong forum, sorry
Personnally, I think that the FIRM is a rip off anyway.Not the work outs but the way they put it together.First when I started working out again,I bought a couple of videos.They looked new because of the packaging, then when I put the video in, it was like I was back in the 80's.The outfits, the music.....everything was old.I hate doing old workouts.
Now they got more workouts out and I went to collage video just to size it up.I watched a preview of it and its the samething again.Are these actually new workouts? I mean, do they still workout in outfits like that in the same exact room?The videos I have bought have diffently NOT been new.Despite what the cover says.
Now I am the one who is venting.I just don't like being ripped off.I don't like it when your tricked into giving your money away only to open a video and then not being able to return it.Cathe presents herself very well.She doesn't take an old video and put a new cover on it and call it something different.
Thee end,,,gotta go work out,
Are you sure the clips you saw were of the new workouts with the rip-off stick?

The newer workouts (since the FIRM was bought out by GoodTimes) use different sets than the "mansion" (brighter and more generic-looking), and the classes are smaller (the instructor is backed by four others who teach at The FIRM - and their outfits are modern and coordinated). They have a modifier for beginners (Libby or Suzanne). They use the plastic "Fanny Lifter" instead of the wooden boxes. And they say "Fanny Lifter" every two minutes. x(

I know anyone who buys Volume 1 today would be in for a shock - the photo of Suzan on the cover was taken in 1986, but it doesn't look too dated. Of course, the workout is another story!

I'm probably going to end up buying the new set when it comes out - but only if the DVDs are chaptered as well as Cathe's. I hate it that you have to buy it with the stick, but then, GoodTimes wants to make more money. I'm sure I'd be able to sell the stick on eBay and use my barbell for the workouts - after doing PS for several weeks now, 8 pounds is just too wimpy.
>I'm probably going to end up buying the new set when it comes
>out - but only if the DVDs are chaptered as well as Cathe's.

Judging by the FIrms previous DVDs, I wouldn't hold out too much hope. Though the DVDs that are made from videos that were compilations (like "super cardio mix"?) are well chaptered, the newer ones I've seen (Body Sculpting system) are not. THe BSS DVD first was only available on three separate DVDs. Now, you can get it on one DVD (which I have), but the ab workout has no chapters, and the other two workouts have only two chapters each. Pretty minimal chaptering, if you ask me.
I think many long time Firm users are getting tired of being forced to buy items they don't need in order to get the tapes or DVDs. An 8 lb. bar is equivalent to two 4 lb weights. How much upper body development are you really going to get with that?
Perhaps we should boycott them,

then maybe they might lose the stick/fanny lifter box thing, and give us what we really want, just vids.

hotchick :7
Hi All,

I just have to put in my 2 cents about the Firm. I haven't even seen this "rip-off stick", yet this doesn't surprise me.

I started with Firm tapes almost 10 years ago. The original series tapes were difficult for me at the time, if I could make it through the excruciating "ooh's" and "aaah's" from Susan Harris. Whatever happened to her, anyway? I think that she has a new video out. Who knows...

Anyway, once I found Cathe tapes, I lost interest in the Firm. Why? I don't feel that the Firm portrays women in the most positive light. Perhaps, I'm just overly sensitive and read too much into that junky "Firm for Life" book, too. As women, we're constantly bombarded with trash about how we need to look a certain way. If I wanted to read that garbage, I would buy Glamour.

Why did it have to have a section on "developing my best look", what colors I should wear to look best, and how I should accessorize. Are you kidding me? What a joke! I bought the book for fitness tips, not tips on how to look "beautiful" according to some 1980's standard.

After I discovered the sheer genius of Cathe tapes, I didn't feel mentally strong when I did Firm tapes. Actually, those Firms are all sitting on a shelf collecting dust. I felt like I was some silly girl whirling and twirling at home- not seriously lifting weights in a gym-style workout. Does anyone out there feel the same?

When I do Cathe tapes, I feel like a real butt kicker. There's no schpeal that she's trying to sell. She doesn't re-package her videos and fool the customer into thinking that it' some new video. I honestly think that her heart is in the right place. Thank goodness for Cathe and these forums.

We are definitely a group of educated exercisers and I'm so happy to even be able to have these discussions.

Keep up the hard work, everyone.


I'll have to agree with you there. The first FIRM workouts I got were FIRM Upper and Lower Body Split ...there's this one instructor in there who has so much make up on, a pound of lipstick and her blonde hair is up in a tight, tight bun. It almost looks like the only thing she is missing is a string of pearls. It seemed a little weird.

I have never felt so completely, seriously worked out as I do when I finish a Cathe. She is a genius!!!!

Danielle :7
I agree w/ you Lisa. I'm planning on just waiting till they start selling the new tapes separtely.
I just wanted to say that Chicago Jen said it all for me! She was right on! My firms were collecting dust now that I've found Cathe and I have been trying to sell them on the yayas swapmeet. It's great I'm buying Cathe with the money! I still have a few left unfortunately but who would want them when you can do Cathe! I have actually sold all my Cathe Vhs almost instantly and now have her DVD collection. They are just terrific!
I know I'll never buy another firm! They just don't compare.
I, for one love the firm as much as I love Cathe. As a matter of fact the firm set me off on my fitness journey. I'll buy the stick and whatever else they have. Just like I'll buy whatever Cathe has to sale. I love them both equally, thank god for variety.

LOL!!!!I always wondered how there make-up looked the same thru the whole work out and they never sweat!!(at least not that much)I love it-"the only thing she was missing was her sting of pearls"!!they are always smiling too!

I stumbled onto the Firm's infomercial tapes (the first 3-video set) at Walmarts last week for ONLY $25.00. Also, for those who didn't have the fanny lifter (I apologize for saying that word, you could get $30 off by sending in the receipt and the form.

Therefore, I would keep my eyes peeled for that source. Also, collage offers the videos cheaper, not cheaper than Walmart, as well as bundling another set for a total of 6 tapes. But as someone else said, I think the workouts are the same, just in a different order. Unlike with Cathe...something different in each video.

My sentiments exactly, Jen! I used to use the Firms starting with the "classic" series. After a while all the tapes had rehashed elements such as the hover squats, tall box climbs, squat plyos (the only kind they do), curtsy dips, etc. Any tape after 1995 will have any and all of these moves- no muscle confusion there! Since I started with Cathe, there is no turning back. I think the Firm has peaked long ago and I won't take any of there workouts seriously again.
RE: Firm's rip-off workout equipment....NOT!!

I love the Firm but I also love Cathe. I will end up buying the new Firm's but I will always buy new Cathe's (along with Tamilee, Mindy Mylrea, etc, etc) as well. ;)

I agree with Shanda 100%. Thank God for variety! After all, it is the spice of life!! ;)

You guys are funny. In that Body Sculpting series, they do say "Fanny Lifter" a whole, whole bunch of times. :p

I too got tricked by some of that re-packaging. Once I bought Maximum Cardio something, but the tape was practically identical to the "Fat Blaster" tape I already owned. I learned my lesson from that. From now on, I always check videofitness reviews, and read the titles carefully to understand exactly what I'm getting pre-purchasing.

I also understand how you feel about 'the look' of the FIRM. At first, I didn't care too much for the set and the image of some of the instructors, but eventually I got over that, because in spite of the gripes I have about FIRM, they really do have good exercises that give great results.

Anyway, these are definitely new videos. I'm not even sure if they're shipping yet, because Collage just recently started taking orders. They were selling 3 videos + that stick for $90.

I'm going to go ahead and turn my rant to the "OFF" position. I was just looking at the Firm main page, and now they have lowered the price to $60, and...... they are including a bonus video! Although I would still like the "no stick" option, I do feel that getting 4 videos for $60 is a fair price. I can always sell or trade the stick later.

Thanks for listening to my ranting about unscrupulous business practices by the producers of the FIRM. Hopefully that will be changing soon. I just heard that the former owners (Goodtimes), have sold the FIRM to another company. Cool, huh!!

Lisa :)
Goodtimes is selling the FIRM? I thought they just bought it? Do you know who they are selling it to and why? Just curious!

I don't know much about why Goodtimes sold FIRM, or to whom they sold it. A friend of mine is a Firm Believer, and she told me there was an announcement on the Firm YaYa board, but when I went over there to check it out, the forum was temporarily down. Bummer. I'm pretty curious about this too.

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