Firm videos


I'm selling my Firm videos on Ebay and I have not tried Cathe videos yet but wondered if they are as effective or more so than the Firm? You may email me privately if you wish. I want to switch over to DVD.
Hello! I personally have always loved the Firm, but when I use them WITH Cathe my results are amazing! I haven't gotten any of Cathe's newer videos - the last couple of sets. I think Cathe is tougher than the Firm, and results with her tapes are EXCELLENT! I think if you do either Cathe OR The Firm faithfully, you will get comparable results, but that's just my own experience.=)
Kathy H
I enjoy my FIRM Videos, but don't find I can put muscle mass on with them. I prefer to do my strength separate from my cardio, although possibly on the same day. I also try to lift heavy so the tortoise/hare concept never really worked for me and I have a hard time tyring to put together FIRM rotations without overdoing it. My muscles are just to sore to even do a light workout the next day with weights. I have better results with Cathe although I do still have a few FIRM tapes around for variety.

Of course I can't speak for anyone else, but I used the Firm exclusively for 7 years, and after discovering Cathe I am fitter, stronger and have more muscle than ever. Now my Firm tapes are a snorefest!
I use both: 90% Cathe, though. The floor work with the Firm has helped me get through recent foot surgery--but, overall, Cathe, for sure.
I use both the Firm and Cathe, probably 50/50.
I think Cathe has given me great gains in strength and muscle definition that I didn't have with the Firm by itself, but if anyone ever doubts how tough the Firm is, and what a terrific overall workout it is, just go back and do Volumes 1-3 with HEAVY weights. Now those are killer workouts, and that will never change!! :-wow
About ten years ago I discovered exercising and began a home program based mostly on the Firm's Volumes 1 through 6 (adding each as it became available) and the Crosstrainer series. I also had a number of Firm parts videos. I included step bench work by several instructors (not Cathe however) such as Tim Culwell, Reebok, Cher, Kari Anderson, etc.

The results were pretty good. I enjoyed the Firm and rotated the tapes according to my mood and time availabilty on a particular day. My body became toned, I lost some weight and I got stronger. I always felt that the Firm dedicated most of its focus to lower body so my legs and thighs got more muscular than upper body but I was okay with that.

About three years ago I hit a wall, stopped exercising and put on thirty pounds of marshmallow. Yuk. I am not sure what caused this but I guess it was burnout.

About a year ago I looked in the mirror and got disgusted with myself enough to decide to re-start my former program. I was desperate because all of my "fat" clothes were getting too tight and it was a choice of buying a new wardrobe in the next size or doing something about my situation.

I began again with my Firms (after blowing off the ten inch layer of dust they had acquired). After a few weeks I was on the verge of stopping again because this time around I found the Firm annoying. What I had liked so much before simply irritated me now. I did not want to combine aerobics and weights at the same time. I began to dislike doing a little cardio, slinging around some weight, doing a little more cardio, etc. I also found the instructors were too cute-sy and they had bodies I knew I could never achieve for myself (they all looked about nine feet tall with long long legs). I am five feet tall and my natural body shape is more like Cathe's.

Anyway, I went to the website for Video Fitness and started reading review of exercise tapes. I noted that this Cathe person's tapes were all Hall of Famers so I figured there must be something good going on with her stuff.

I took the plunge, ordered the Pure Strength series as well as MIS (which still kills me every time) as well as Step Heat. That was last March. And I have never looked back since then. I have just about every one of her tapes now (and some on DVD) and I am absolutely amazed at the results. I have much more muscle definition and cuts now (especially upper body), I lost 26 pounds and my abs are rock hard with cubes. Years of Firming did not give me these results.

I am not here to knock the Firm. The Firm was how I learned that I could do weight training to begin with. Without that background I do not know if I would have attempted Cathe.

I guess that is why they call it the "Firm" and not the "Muscular". The results were good. But the results that I have had with Cathe have been astounding.

When I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror it never fails to amaze me that I am so cut and I have muscles popping out in places I never knew muscles existed. I am rock hard everywhere and when I walk nothing jiggles. I now wear a size 2 (the smallest size I attained with Firm was a 6) and now my problem when shopping for clothes is that I want to buy everything because nothing looks bad on me or makes me look fat.

I am nearing my 53rd birthday and I have a better, stronger, leaner, meaner body than I have ever had in my life and that includes when I was in my twenties and thought I looked pretty good.

Sorry to give my such a long answer but I speak from my heart. Cathe is a fitness marvel who will take you where you want to go if you are willing to put in the sweat and effort. I will buy every tape she ever puts out in the future and with the results I have had I see no reason to look anywhere else.

I too started with Firm tapes, they introduced me to lifting weights. I purchased all of the Firm tapes and remember when I bought Touch Aerobic Mix, I thought I had really purchases a very challenging tape. UNTIL, my husband and I were staying in a hotel and went downstairs to exercise. We both start riding the stationary bikes and my resistance was zero and I thought I was going to die. My husband had his setting as high as it could go and he still was hardly winded (he is a runner). I thought I was in good shape until that day.

I started searching for more advanced tapes and found Cathe. Since doing her tapes I can lift heavier and my cardio has improved so much. I now exercise with mostly Cathe and some Tae Bo and I have started to run.

I think you will love Cathe's tapes, they are truly advanced.

I really enjoyed reading your post, it is very inspiring. I was getting discouraged with my progress but reading your post made me feel better:D I am still doing the rotation you posted and working on that eating, which is the hardest part for me. I know this slows the fat loss.

If I keep at it I know I can do it.

RE: Firm videos--Marlene

I want to second 2Workout2 and say thank you for such an inspiring post! I have just recently "banned" The Firm (!), but have seen such great results with their videos that I don't know what to expect now that I'm about to use Cathe almost exclusively for my weights workouts (I already use her almost exclusively for cardio). However, The Firm is the only weight training I've done, and now I am excited (and reassured!) to start using Cathe's PS series and MIS. I suppose now I should also buy Slow & Heavy and Power Hour...there is always an excuse to do more shopping!!
Thanks again,

"Life's mostly attitude and driving." --Jack Ingram
Hi Jane!

Welcome, I don't think I have seen you around here before?? You will love PS & MIS! Both are excellent choices. Plus, if you can, you need to get PowerHour & S&H too! Hey, if you like to shop, go for it!! Also, just wanted to say that the pix in your bio is beautiful! Have fun with your new tapes.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I pretty much agree with everything I have read so far, here is my 2cents worth on the topic.

Today I did the brand new Firm Cardio Sculpt. When through I had to ask myself the question "Where is the cardio in Cardio Sculpt?" I had bought this tape thinking it would be comparable to Cathe's Curcuit Max.

I will continue to use the Firm for days that I want an interval style workout, but there is really only one Firm tape that I consider a Cardio tape (and you use light weights in this one too!) and that tape is Super Cardio.

Cathe, I hope you will make some pure cardio tapes, maybe some that are not as tricky as rhymetic step. Cathe you are my Cardio choice from now on. :)

I am currenlty going through a lent Body For Life Rotation. I am planning on using EVERY tape I own. After this rotation I am planning on selling those tapes that no longer give me results.
My own personal opinion . . . Cathe is much more advanced than the Firm. I started on the Firm and am greatful to them to get me to a level to where I could even consider doing Cathe. I remember how I thought I was in shape until I seen Cathe's videos and I thought I was going to head right for a heart attack.

I've have never been in this great of shape in my life. I'm in Karate now, I've ran (which I've never ever been able to do), I'm very strong. It's all thanks to Cathe.

Just my thoughts.

Keta. :D

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Hi Debbie!

I have mostly been a lurker on this forum, so thanks for welcoming me! AND for the compliment about my picture! You are so sweet!

I was very active on the Firm Forum until I was BANNED!! (so much for freedom of speech!) I decided I would ban them right back, so now not only do I have to find new weights workouts, but I will have to start blabbing elsewhere too! And I obviously have no life, as I am REALLY excited to start a new rotation this week! Based on what I have read here, I think I will see A LOT of positive changes!

Jane :)

"Life's mostly attitude and driving." --Jack Ingram
WOW! I'm motivated now! I'm gonna invest in some of the newer Cathe's! I've got just about all her step - up to Interval Max but don't have any of her new stuff. Thanks for the motivation!
>I am nearing my 53rd birthday
>and I have a better,
>stronger, leaner, meaner body than
>I have ever had in
>my life and that includes
>when I was in my
>twenties and thought I looked
>pretty good.

I will be 49 in May and I was glad to read your post. I defintely need more cardio - even though I'm not thrilled about that!

So...what Cathe video should I start with?

I've been waiting for the new FIRM kit to be shipped...that's another story...maybe I should just cancel that order and invest in Cathe tapes and her step??

Any opinions??? :))


I don't know anything about the new Firm set other than what I have been reading from others here on the Cathe forums so I can't really help or comment about your ordering them.

I do however think you should give Cathe a whirl. If you want to lose weight and gain muscular definition, get a few of her cardios (Step Heat and Mega Step Blast are good beginner ones in that the choreography is not too complex; they are still killers though cardio-wise). The Pure Strength series (three tapes) plus Maximum Intensity Strength should get you off on the right track for weight training.

You will probably want to do cardio at least 4-5 times a week if weight loss is an issue for you. When you achieve your correct weight you can then cut back to 3 times a week. The cardio sections of Cross Trainer Express are also good because they are each about 30 minutes long and are more time efficient. I usually do one of Cathe's longer cardio tapes each week and then two cardios from the CTX series (on two different days of course).

If you search these Forums you will find plenty of ideas on how to rotate the weight sessions to suit your time frame and goals.

I hope this answers your question.

Go ahead, take the Cathe plunge. Once you do you will never look back.

Here is a newsflash! I love Cathe and have done her exclusively for about 1 year with an occasional Firm in there. (maybe once every month.) I worked out with the Firm for 4 years and lost weight and shaped up. I went to Cathe because I needed a tougher workout after awhile. It was great and advanced and just what I wanted. BUT....I can really lift heavy and Cathe has made me pretty bulky. I am a bulker though and I found that Cathe's tapes were intense in the lifing and it was not what my body needed so I am going back to the Firm weights for now to see if I can atrophy a bit and lean my muscles. Cathe's cardio though is the best and I will always do her cardio.

Not everyone bulks up but I do with serious weights (or so I have suits are tight in the arms and upper body...not what I wanted.) but I did. So I am going back to see if it helps lightening up with higher reps. (I like PH though, that is a good high rep tape.) Good Luck!

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