Firm Strength and Firm Cardio


Would you consider these two tapes Cardio in addition to considering them strength?

I'm trying to figure out if I need to add more cardio to my week for weight loss.


Even though you get an aerobic benefit with these two tapes. I would consider them to be weight training more than cardio.


Thanks Robin. I checked out the link. That does explain it!!! Soooo, maybe I'm not doing enough cardio. My current rotation has been:

M - Step + Abs (Kathy Smith Power Step)
T - Firm Strength
W - Taebo Advanced Live 3 + Abs
Th - Firm Cardio
F - Power Step + Abs
S - Pilates
S - rest

So, since I still have fat to lose, maybe I should add a cardio session to my Saturdays. What do you think?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-02 AT 01:46PM (Est)[/font][p]Well Wudnit...I've been around these boards for a while and realized how different we all are. Some folks can lose wt. with a good diet and some cardio and some wt. work. Then again, some folks can lose wt. by doing wt. work with little or no cardio. There are a few that can maintain or even lose doing either/or and splitting their time b/w Baskin Robbins and KFC. But, (and this is a big BUTT!) apparently, *I* can only lose wt. with a TON of cardio and a squeaky clean diet. Never mind the wt. work for me when it comes to fat loss. I do have to stick it in somewhere tho. Just call me "Genetically Unfortunate".

So, if you're like me, yes, I'd throw in a Sat. cardio.

Thanks Robin!! Your message gave me a chuckle!! Gone are my days of being able to eat whatever I liked, go without exercising, and still stay slim!! Of course, those days have been gone for about 20 years now!!! : )

I will try to work in the extra cardio and see if I get any where. It is weird, I haven't really lost much weight, I have gained some definition, and I certainly look slimmer. An optical illusion I guess!! Must be as my arms are getting more defined (and my shoulders), they give me a leaner all over appearance!!

Thanks again for your help!!

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