Fine Tuning Question


I really need a little push in a certain direction here. Last year and the year before my New Year's Resolution was to lose the last 10 lbs. This year I quit smoking at 5 lbs away from goal. I gained 5 lbs. I do not want to have the same 10 lb resolution this year when January gets here. I have been trying to come up with a plan to help me lean out. I already have very controlled eating - I am aging so I think metablolism is actually the problem. I dare not take my calories any lower than they are now because I am very active. I am 47 years old, medium athletic build, 5'2" 125 lbs, size 4/6 eat 1200 - 1400 calories a day. I burn between 200 and 350 calories per workout and I do 30 -40 minutes of Yoga added per day - oh, and I also teach aerobics 2 days a week but it is well below my exercise level so it isn't taxing.

I cannot decide between the following plans:
Cardio 6 days a week, working two body parts each day high reps and low weights

Cardio 6 days a week, working two body parts each day heavy weight low reps

One total body heavy lifting day then alternate cardio with circuits - 2 intervals a week.

I felt my cardio was getting a little stale so I have begun to jump rope and am working up on that.

I am open to any other ideas you may have except for eating more, I have tried that 3 times and gained excess weight each time so I know my calorie range is good for me.

Thank you for any response!
Not Cathe, and I don't have any advice. I just wanted to congratulate you on quitting smoking!!!! What an amazing achievement (imo).
:) :) :) :) :)
Another "not Cathe" 2 cents here. I looked at your profile and want to also congratulate you on your initial weight loss and how well you've done maintaining. Your workout schedule looks pretty tough right now. Do you think maybe you should take a week or two of rest? Then maybe ramp it up a bit. Maybe a drastic change of pace would knock off those pesky last 10 pounds. Good luck.
Not Cathe (again!), but WOW! What a schedule! I know I wouldn't be able to do all of that!!!

Try circuts 2 days a week (Monday and Friday??)...They'll blast you in the right direction...OR go to the rotation forum and try the August rotation??? I think that will knock any plateau out!!! I was going to do it this month and totally punked out!

I am not Cathe either, but have you had your body fat percentage checked? As we all know, muscle weighs more than fat. Your BMI is 22 right within the ideal range of 19-24. Maybe this is the right place to be. You certainly are doing plenty of all kinds of exercise. How do you look? Unforntately it is true, as we age our metabolism definitely slows down. Quitting smoking is the BEST thing you can do for your body. Many people say to throw away the scales anyway. Good Luck! I am interested to see what Cathe says. I am 43 and I know my metabolism came to a screaching halt at around 40.:)
Twosquared - Thank you so much for the encouragement!

Robin - Thank you, A drastic change would be a good idea, I just cannot decide what drastic change to make! I had thought about taking a recovery week but I hate of all those calories I won't burn!!!! I actually thought about doing some power walking but the weather is not cooperating!

MJ - I gave the August rotation some thought but I would have to give up my Yoga practice because of the time factor. I am still contemplating though!

Susan - Thanks - I look pretty good except for my lower abdominal and upper thigh area - it really looks like it is bloated with the 5 I gained - of course, it is easily hidden in clothing but I would really like to be leaner there. My body fat percentage was done where I teach aerobics and is 26% - it used to be 20 and I was headed to 18% which is my goal. I am not sure on the accuracy of that because I have great muscle definition everywhere except in the upper thigh area and the test was done on a hand held device.

Thank all of you ladies for your responses - I am still very undecided!

You don't know me, but I remember you! (From the FIRM forums, Ya Yas, and of course, the infomercial)!!

There is no telling how many people you have inspired to get busy with life, to learn and adopt healthy habits, to become the person they were meant to be. I know you inspired me to keep with it when I had plateaued, or thought I couldn't go on, or figured I would never do or look any better because I spent so many years fat and inactive. And now you made another healthy choice for quitting smoking! Fantastic accomplishment!

You have been at this longer than I, but I would also recommend the August rotation. It is just so different that it really shocked my body, and now I get more out of every workout I do. And the benefits go beyond the physical.

Congratulations on your achievements thus far............

Hi Kathy! I've been doing Debbie's (Fitnessfreak366) rotation called "another strength rotation." You can find it in the Video/DVD Rotations forum. I've changed up the cardio however b/c I felt it had too much step. I like to do step/hi-lo & kickboxing. I've leaned out much more due to the more strenuous weight lifting & adding one to two interval w/outs a week. I have more definition too. Thanks a lot Debbie!! If you decide to do this, you'll need to increase more protein b/c you'll be more hungrier. HTH, Kathy:D
One thing that works for me is no snacking at night. If I have supper at a decent hour and eat nothing after (maybe tea) I seem to be able to maintain my weight. I also sleep better and feel happier in the morning. Maybe you don't have a problem like I do with eating at night but for me it really makes a difference. Also, circut workouts seem to help me better than straight cardio (like step or high/low).
I just asked Cathe a very similar question about how to knock out whatever you can in a short amount of time........

Shocking the body by doing something completely different was her answer in a nutshell. Because of that - I doing the following...and yes...I am cutting out yoga/pilates for the next two weeks with no breaks before vacation...

Cardio & Total Body Lifting
Cardio & Leg work
Interval Training
LIghter day

This is what I am doing...
1.Imax 2 Premix 6-10 plus Push N Pull
2.Imax 2 Premix 1-5 plus 30 mins abwork (variety)
3.Cardio and Weights plus Gymstyle Legs Floorwork
4.Kick Max
5.Imax plus abs
6.BootCamp (2X!!!) That idea was from August rotation
7. Light cardio (RS)
8. KPC 36 premix cardio and Supersets
9. Step Blast or Imax Extreme
11. MIC Hi/LO and Leaner Legs :)
12. Imax 2
13. Body Max
14. CTX cardio of choice (2 of them)

I wasn't utilizing my circuit workouts before and interval workouts, so that is why I chose this one.....I am only doing this for two weeks because its sort of brutal for me, but then I get a nice 5 day vacation to Cabo :) After that I am going to do the CTX series through December or Slow and Heavy - not sure yet.......hope that gave you some ideas :0
Julie - Thank you so much, that is very sweet! Thank you so much for the encouragement and the recommendation!

Kathy - Hi - I checked out that rotation - that is fabulous - I had not looked at it before.

Valerie - Thanks for the snacking tip!

Reba - WOW! That is quite a rotation - thanks!

Well, I have quite a lot of material to think about - thank you very much ladies!

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