finding it harder to workout now... :-(

I tried to do my recumbent bike on go..started to get really bad braxton hicks...thats what they felt I stopped...did the treadmill for 50min..that was just ok..but no pain....yesterday i tried the treadmill again, and the pelvic pain was so bad...I cant even walk without pain...not terrible but enough to make me stop.....hubby thinks i should stop trying now that i'm 6 months along....but I fear alot..since i'm having a section and the recovery is longer...why cant i exercise comfortably? its so frustrating...I gained 32 pounds so far and I fel it terribly...i'm watching my diet, eating clean and avoiding salt like the dr said...I feel like a whale.. sorry for venting guys...I just feel like i lost all my fitness in a matter of months..

I don't really know what to tell you, hon except that everyone is different. Your pregnant body is different and capable of different things than another's.

Talk to your doc about the discomfort during exercise. That's what I would suggest before throwing in the towel. Maybe he/she can give you an explanation, a solution and/or suggestions for exercises that will be good for you.

I know it's easier said than done but try not to stress out too much about your weight. I know I stressed too for a while but then I relaxed. If you are making your best effort to watch your diet than try not to worry. I think to a point our bodies will gain what they need to gain regardless of how clean we eat! You know what I mean?

Hang in there! You are more than half way through! Relish in your baby's movements inside of you! It's the part of pregnancy that I miss terribly (as you know from my prev thread!)!

HTH :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol
Hi. I am finding that this is happening to me as well. It is very frustrating isn't it? I have been walking 3.5 miles Mon-Fri during my lunch break, normally takes me between 45-50 minutes. During the last 2 weeks I have been experiencing the same thing you have. I can go about 2 miles and then the cramps start and I really have to slow down my pace. Yesterday I cut back to 3 miles and I still had cramps. I guess today I may have to try 2.5 miles. Are you still weight training? If so, do you get them while lifting? I don't.

My next appt is June 2nd so I'm going to ask my midwife about this.

If your doc has any suggestions, please post them.

You're doing a great job!
Wendy..thank you for your reply...I appreciate is little Joey? :))

Dana..I only seem to get the cramps with I am gonna try doing my arms/back/shoulders....legs are just harder cause of the pelvic discomfort..cant really even do the tall box anymore..hurts my knees cause of the extra weight :-/

I know if i tell the dr, he will be like do not workout..he just doesnt understand..I dunno...its just so frustrating...I worked so hard and have been exercising for years..its like torture not being able to now..:(
"I know if i tell the dr, he will be like do not workout..he just doesnt understand.."


That's a's good for a pregnant woman to exercise...your doc should not say that unless there is a problem and you need to go on bed rest.


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol
I know..I love my dr dearly..he is wonderful...but he is old fashioned (he must be like and he is not keen on exercise in pregnancy..I know i'm not 20...i'm 38...but he is so cautious...sometimes too much
oh my i can totally relate to this one. while exercising in my first trimester i started bleeding. in addition to lately i get crampy and i spoke to my dr. and she told me no high impact, no kickboxing and to really watch weight lifting. i must confess after talking to my dr. and bleeding made me feel less inclined to workout and just concentrate on having a healthy pregnancy. i know it's hard for you as it is hard for me not to work out. i walk pass my gym room and get ansty and can't wait to jump right in there. i've gained 22 lbs so far and people make alot of rude comments as they always think i am further along than i am....oh well, only a few more months to go and then i can concentrate on my new baby and whipping this body back into shape. i did it once before i can do it again....hang in there.:)
Oh my, that's awful! I feel your frustration! Is this the round ligament pain that some people experience really badly? I wonder if some thorough hip and back stretching would help?

I've gained a lot of weight, too, and it's affected my workouts for sure. My legs fatigue much quicker. Like you, I'm eating quite decent and exercising regularly, and I figure that's the best I can ask of myself. I gained 43 pounds with my first DD, and I guess I'll just have to accept that I'll be gaining as much with this one, too.

I strongly encourage you to continue exercising to the best of your ability. It will help with all the pregnancy problems that arise in the last trimester. If you find weight bearing exercises just too painful, perhaps you might want to try swimming, or a prenatal yoga class?

I hope you find a solution!
I was 38 when I had my baby last year. The last four months of my pregnancy I could barely work out and I'm a group fitness instructor! It was really hard to accept but I adapted and came up with an upper body weight routine that I did sitting on a stability ball. My feet were terribly sore so I couldn't do any impact and hardly any walking. It was just how my body took the pregnancy and I decided to honor it and focus on the baby. I gained 44lbs. My baby was delivered by c-section. Now, nine months after she was born, I am just ounces from my goal weight and in better shape now than before I got pregnant (I'm stronger all over, especially my abs and legs, the two areas that suffered the most from no workouts during my pregnancy). I still want to slim down around the hips and waist a bit more and I think that will happen with time. But my point is, don't be so hard on yourself now. Your body may be telling you that it doesn't need that much working out at this stage in your pregnancy. During my post-partum recovery days, I've learned that with reasonable post-partum fitness goals, persistent workouts (no excuses to skip workouts!), and a little patience, the body will bounce back. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! :)
I just feel like i lost all my fitness in a matter of months..

Yeah, I can relate to this feeling as well. I've had ligement pain off and on in my abs so really I haven't worked them out at all. I did some speed walking last week, not very far 2 miles most, and got side stiches from that x( . I too wish it wasn't just a drop in ability so sudden. In December I ran the farthest I had yet 6.5 miles, now I have a hard time walking a brisk 2??? Oh well, I'm starting to realize it's time to concentrate on the baby and take my body in strides. No help here, but know your definately not alone.
Thanks for all the replies! I do feel like i'm not alone..I appreciate you all sharing your personal experiences as well...I think my body is just telling me to take it easy feet are telling me too..dang they hurt like h*ll....i think i will try to come up with an upper body workout on my stability least it is something
Just to add to a great list of advice - remember that you're body is carrying more weight on bones and muscles that are stretching to accommodate the baby's growth, so it's no wonder things hurt!! :) Last time, by month 6, I felt like my hips were coming apart whenever I tried to move too much (I'm shuddering with the memory) Also, at a certain point, just lugging your pregnant self around all day could be considered a pretty good workout, don't you think? It's like carrying dumbells around all day! Hey - no wonder we get tired ;) When I couldn't comfortably do a lot of cardio, I switched to working on my arms and legs, figuring that at least I could keep up some strength and muscle tone. That way, after baby, I would just have to lose the baby weight and get my abs back.

Is there anyway you can try swimming? That takes the load off your joints, at least, and can get you some good cardio plus muscle work. Just a thought. Anything you can do is better than nothing, so slow down, take a rest, do what you can and give yourself credit for the real effort you're making.

Hang in there and try to enjoy these months - you're growing a whole new person and that's plenty of work right there!
Dcat that is encouraging and good for you!!! I'm on my second pregnancy and just praying I can get my abs back once again! I miss my obliques already:-(
"i've gained 22 lbs so far and people make alot of rude comments as they always think i am further along than i am."


I don't know how you are carrying the weight but 22 pounds at almost 26 weeks is not bad at all in my book! Keep up the good work! :D

My weight was pretty much on par with how many weeks pregnant I was, give or take a few pounds-ie: 20 weeks pregnant gained 19 pounds, etc. I gave birth at 39 weeks pregnant and had gained 35 pounds total...I wouldn't worry if I were you!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol
It might be a good idea to invest in some pregnancy specific workout videos. I have 4 and they have been lifesavers. I have a stepping one, a yoga one, a quick fix one and a fusion pilates one. They are all really, really great videos. And I don't have to worry about whether I'm working too hard. The pilates and yoga have totally saved my back and posture. Just an idea.........
Susie where did you get your pregnancy workouts? I looked on Collage and didn't see anything that interested me. Looked at Wal-Mart and they have nothing. E-bay maybe?

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