Finally ordered Ab Hits - Aquajock



Thanks to Aquajock as this is definitely her fault she will be sited on my credit card bill and Anna for pointing me to CK Sales.

I bought finally Ab Hits DVD and also ordered Donna Read DVD (anyone else have Donna's Step Fever vid). It all come to under £50 which is great at CK and no additional shipping.

Aquajock can you give me some suggestions how to use this tape in a possible rotation I have been doing Mindys Strenght tape and I find her planks on using the medicine ball easier so I am going to try that with Ab Hits plank section.

Hi, Babs! I plead guilty to luring you over to the dark side, Ab Hits DVD-wise! I know you'll adore it - the number of produced routines on it is extensive (12), and Cathe has fashioned a number of mix&matches of her own, PLUS you can do your own M&M's as well.

As far as suggesting factoring Ab Hits into a rotation, I'm not sure I'm the best one to ask that of, because I don't follow a formal rotation myself. I use the Ab Hits DVD at least twice per week, sometimes 3 times when I don't feel like doing my own thing ab-wise (I usually do a do-it-myself routine on Sundays, incorporating a lot of regular crunches, V-sits, bicycles, straight-leg reverse crunches and external oblique work).

My personal faves are:

The CTX-Kickbox routine as produced
The CTX-Power Circuit routine as produced

The CTX-Kickbox plank section (both prone and supine) combined with the Slow and Heavy Traditional Abs section

That's not to say that I don't use other routines on the DVD, but those are just the one's I'm partial to. Keep in mind that two of my five workouts per week are the aqua classes I teach, so three land workouts per week is as much as I can fold in without hubby starting to pout.

About the only suggestion I would have for you is: incorporate planks (again, both prone and supine), supermans AND traditional crunch work into each workout you do. I find better results when I do the plank work before the crunch work, but it doesn't hurt to shake that up every now and then either.


Thank you Aquajock will keep on with the planks

Luvcardio yes I really need to work my core area will post what I decide to add when I get the dvd. My fitness vids was discussed when I had a friend over on Saturday I didn't tell her how many I actually have (she would be horrified).


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