Does anyone here suffer from fibromyalgia? What type of diet do you follow, and what exercise works best for you?
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and some fibro (most RA people do). I mostly follow a vegan diet. Meat and I do not digest very well and it's been this way my whole life. I eat LOTS of raw and cooked veggies and fruit, lentils, hummus, and sometimes I do eat Greek yogurt. I try to do the 80/20 diet thang. 80% healthy and 20% of whatever.
I have tried the Raw diet for 6 months to see if it would help my RA but it did not. I also tried paleo (my friends are all paleo crossfitters and have begged me to try the paleo diet). I hated it though. I am not a meat lover and I didn't go to the bathroom for a week on paleo! Back to mostly vegan for me.
As far as workouts I modify any exercises that will hurt my knees. Push ups will never happen without handles because my wrists suck!! When my RA is bad I will do more weight workouts like upper body etc. when my RA is under control I will do more of Cathes HiiT workouts or step.
Hope you feel better soon. !