

Does anyone here suffer from Fibromyalgia? I am wondering if I have it and need to talk to someone who has it.


I have fibromyalgia. You can use your search engine to look up symptoms but you may not have every symptom.
I'd love to hear any advice also. My Mom just got diagnosed with it this week. Some of the symptoms that she has had are really sore tight muscles (especially her shoulders), certain pain points, difficulty sleeping, etc. Her Dr. said that he hates to diagnose it, but she has most of the symptoms & has had a lot of other tests done to rule out other things. Anyone know if there are any herbal supplements to help?? TIA!
My husband is a naturopathic physician (for 20 years now) and treats fibromyalgia and other serious auto-immune disorders and debilitating illnesses successfully all the time. Trouble is, people are not open to the treatment as many times it includes a lifestyle change with severe dietary changes and includes natural herbal medicine.

If anyone is interested, please email me and I can provide his website address where you can hear his radio shows aired in the past interviewing patients he's treated successfully. There is at least one radio show specifically on fibromyalgia.

Western medicine has no known cure for fibromyalgia and other immune disorders for which natural medicine can and does treat successfully.

I love Cathe and reading this forum, although I don't post much. But I am also a health care practitioner (acupuncturist) and it has been my experience here that there is very little interest in how real naturopathic medicine or Chinese medicine can truly help a person regain their health. The few times I have chimed in about natural medicine or Chinese medicine, there's been no response. Which is okay, I'm probably just talking to the wrong forum about natural medicine. But if someone really needs help, there really is hope, I've seen and heard of literally hundreds of people regaining their health through natural medicine within our medical practice. But it is not easy. It is much more than going to the health food store and picking up an herbal supplement. That is bound to fail and frustrate you. Edie
Edie, thanks for your input! My mother recently approached me about wanting to talk to her doctor -- she thinks she may have this. I would definitely be interested in alternatives for treatment if she is in fact diagnosed.
Edie, I'm going to send you a PM, that is exactly what my Mom is looking for. She works in a Dr's office (receptionist) and they are really open to naturopathic medicine. Thanks for the response! She doesn't want to be stuck taking a lot of meds w/ a lot of side effects.

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