Any fellow Cathletes out there with fibromyalgia? I had my first initial flare five months ago and was out of commission for a couple of months. After that, my symptoms abated and I thought I was home free. Last week I started experiencing pain in my arms which has radiated throughout my body. I was diagnosed by a rheumotologist (sp) so I'm pretty positive this is what I'm experiencing. I'm having other fibro related symptoms as well. I'm not complaining, just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and how you managed it? I'm a little frustrated I can't lift much since lifting is what I really LOVE to do, but it really exacerbates the symptoms. I was on Lyrica during the first flare and didn't much care for the effects and side-effects so I've opted to go with no medication at all. Any information or advice about how you handle fibromyalgia flares would be much appreciated! TIA!