Fibre increase


Hi everyone,

Just wondering about a fibre increase in the diet, how did you cope with the extra gas it can bring ? :D
Sorry, I will understand if no one replies to this post !

Many thanks


This made me laugh :) what can I say I eat most of my fibre in the morning I always suffered from constipation so my problem is the opposite I eat fibre to help get rid of a build up of gas.

I would say don't worry too much you may notice more gas but the fibre will help you get rid of it easier if you see what I mean. I am still smiling at this post as I right.

It might take a while for your body to balance out but it will.


Do yourself a favor and increase the fiber slowly! :) I jumped in with both feet last year and "blew" my family away! :)
My daughter and DH were constantly teasing me about "harnessing my fuel" for a gasoline substitute, or fussing because the house smelled like "a**" all the time. It's funny now, but at the time I was really self conscious about being so gassy all the time, but your body does adjust, I just should have not gone from a fiber intake of like 10g/day to 35g/day overnight! Live and Learn! :)


p.s. I never tried any of the gas relievers like Beano, only because I don't like taking supplements, aspirin, etc. Plus everyone kept assuring me my body would adjust so just give it time, and it did. But I would suggest to anyone to increase the fiber a bit slower than I did! :)
Thanks Babs and Donna,

I really didn't think anyone would reply to my post. The question came to me while wading my way through a baked potato and veggies !

I must be braindead, but I didn't know it was the fiber that gives "the problem at hand". I've increased considerably ground flax seed in the morning and at night. I know this adds fiber, but had no idea that this is what is causing the ... well you know. (hate this subject). Anyway, I too have been blowing the family away :-wow and wondering if it's the nuts I've been eating, or vitamins, spices...had no idea it was fiber and I really know quite a bit about nutrition, but obviously not everything. Thanks for the help and for asking "the" question, anna.

I am SO relieved. I had no idea what was causing my .. ahem... little problem. I not only have problems like those discussed but for the last month or so have had ... well... gee ... let's just say that things around here move much more quickly than they should (have I grossed you out yet?)

I was just wondering how long it will take my body to stabilize, assuming this is the problem. I used to eat almost no fiber and probably get 15-25 grams per day now. I've been thinking about calling my doc because it has gone on so long.

Anyone have any advice for me?
Geez I'm so glad anna brought it up. I never would've had the nerve on my own!!
If you take good bacteria, like acidophilus supplements, that will also help as you add fiber. Or eat really fresh plain yogurt where the bacteria are still alive.
Increase your water intake!

I agree with the above posts to increase your fibre intake in stages and as you increase fibre also increase water.

You will find that this has a multitude of positive effects - it will fill you up, keep you regular and improve the condition of your hair skin and nails and increase your energy.

The drawbacks will be short term - extra gas and loo trips - but your system will adapt.

Hope this helps.


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