Few STS/ shock cardio questions

I have completed the 3.5 month STS rotation about a month ago and I've been waiting to start it again once I get shock cardio. My question is, what is the benefit of doing the 6.5 month rotation vs just doing the 3.5 month rotation? I also want to do the undulating rotation, but I wanted to complete the regular rotation one more time before doing that.

Also, when we get shock cardio, will there be an STS strength/Shock cardio rotation mixing the 2 together. Where will the circuit workouts (that use moderate weights) fit in? When I was doing my first round of STS I tried to add another circuit style cardio/weight routine in my week, but you have to double up two STS workouts in a row, and I didnt know how beneficial that was. it seems like I was sacrificing a cardio day.


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