Cathe (and the forum group),
This is my first time posting, but I've been utilizing your forum for a number of weeks.
I'm wondering what you suggest about continueing your workouts when you're feeling under the weather ie:head cold.
I'm currently doing your Express rotation (this is my 4th week), and I get up Mond-Fri at 4:30 a.m. to workout. Sunday at whenever.
This week I managed to come down with a cold that is hovering between by head and my lungs. All in all I feel pretty good, just dragged out a bit. The last two days I was unable to get up at my a.m. workout time, but did manage Lean Legs after work. Today, after work,I plan on 1 Express with 2 Body parts. I'm taking tomorrow off completely from working out to try and get over this thing.
My problem is guilt. I feel if I don't workout, even when I'm not feeling well, that I will backslide in my progress in weight lifting and weight loss. I've finally managed to drop a few pounds and then this hits.
I'm just curious what you suggest and what others do under these circumstances.
I've noticed in the past, that you advise to listen to your body, but my mind is playing tricks on me.
Would really appreciate any suggestions.
This is my first time posting, but I've been utilizing your forum for a number of weeks.
I'm wondering what you suggest about continueing your workouts when you're feeling under the weather ie:head cold.
I'm currently doing your Express rotation (this is my 4th week), and I get up Mond-Fri at 4:30 a.m. to workout. Sunday at whenever.
This week I managed to come down with a cold that is hovering between by head and my lungs. All in all I feel pretty good, just dragged out a bit. The last two days I was unable to get up at my a.m. workout time, but did manage Lean Legs after work. Today, after work,I plan on 1 Express with 2 Body parts. I'm taking tomorrow off completely from working out to try and get over this thing.
My problem is guilt. I feel if I don't workout, even when I'm not feeling well, that I will backslide in my progress in weight lifting and weight loss. I've finally managed to drop a few pounds and then this hits.
I'm just curious what you suggest and what others do under these circumstances.
I've noticed in the past, that you advise to listen to your body, but my mind is playing tricks on me.
Would really appreciate any suggestions.