feeling sick


New Member
all of a sudden i'm feeling sick to my stomach. i feel hungry even after i eat. i'm wondering besides maybe being pregnant,if this is normal when you start building muscle. if i need to eat i will but has anyone else felt this before? ok,i just took a test and i am not pregnant. so thats not my problem.yay!!
I'm not Cathe, but I'll ask you a question to clarify your question! ;)
Are you building muscle? Give us more details. Yes it is within normal limits. Do some research on protein to carb ratios recommended for someone who is lifting weights, and tell us more.
I, too, often feel sick to my stomach when I lift weights, or shortly thereafter. I have continued to lift, and it's not as bad as it used to be.
There can be numerous reasons why you are feeling sick, besides the possibility of being pregnant.

First, are you exercising immediately after eating? If so, your body is in conflict because exercising moves blood into the muscles and away from your digestive system, so all that food just sits there. It's enough to make you nauseous.

Are you drinking too much water when you exercise? All that fluid sloshing around in your stomach can make you sick.

Are you increasing your weight load? Additional stress on your muscles will also nauseate you -- same principle -- blood engorging your muscles means its left your brain, making you lightheaded and queasy. Arnold Schwartznegger is quoted as saying that he would train so hard that he had to leave the gym to throw up, and come back to train some more.

Are you tired when you work out? Sometimes our focus is so "off" when we're tired that we lose the ability to concentrate our efforts as they should be when we are asking our bodies to push harder.

BUT... do take that 2nd pregnancy test!

Hope this helps,

Here is what I think it is: Gas. Really, I am not kidding. Sometimes gas will get caught in your intestines and cause the nausea and knawing feeling in your stomach, even after you have eaten. I know because it happens to me sometimes. All I can suggest you do is lay down on your side and wait for nature to take its course.


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