feeling sick after weights


Hi everyone.
Today after weights I felt so sick. I had the usual wobbly, shaky feeling that I usually have, but in addition I also had some nausea and dizziness. I went to take a warm shower and that made it even worse. Any ideas what this is about? I did eat one hour before. I was fine 5 minutes after the shower, so no big deal, but kind of strange.
This is pretty off-the-wall but it may help so here goes. I'm pretty overweight and I occasionally do a tape that has exercises where you're lying on your stomach. This usually makes me feel a little nauseous, both at the time and for a little while afterwards. My stomach is too big for me to lay on it all the time. :)

Other than that, it could be that you're coming down with a bug of some kind. If I'm coming down with something (or successfully fighting it off) I feel weaker than usual.

Good luck,
This happened to me today. I think it was because I was dehydrated. I had eaten an hour before just like you did, so I can't imagine it was low blood sugar. I could only make it through half my workout.

hi dawn,
i also have felt the way you described but it happened when i atempted to excercise in the morning. maybe it was low blood sugar, i don't know. and, just like you, the shower only made me feel worse. i think that maybe i am not a morning excerciser because i can't remember ever feeling that way excercising in the evening. i would also be interested to know what would cause such symptons.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-02 AT 06:38PM (Est)[/font][p]eat. eat. eat.
and/or gatorade. sounds like low electrolyte and sodium (and low blood sugar too perhaps) in your body. I'm not an expert (!!!), but sounds like you need to eat/drink/replenish.

edited to add: In response to someone's post, I do think (from my own experience) it could be low blood sugar, even if you ate something an hour before. It depends on what you ate, the time of day, your body chemistry. For instance, in the a.m., before anything, I am fine (yes, after the sleep 'fast'). I could coast through a workout without eating/drinking anything and be fine (I am not condoning this behavior). Get me at 6 p.m., before my evening workout-I'm constantly having to refuel my engine (after having eaten throughout the day). It's like after 3 p.m., I'm on low blood sugar alert big time. That is a tough time of day for me, everyday. So I think the blood sugar stuff is highly personal, dependent upon your own set of circumstances IMHO.

It could be a result of any number of things, but if you are training intensely, one of the side effects of the lactic acid buildup is nausea. This is why the old time hard core bodybuilders used to keep trash cans nearby when doing high intensity compound exercises--the barf factor.

If you combine intense training with inadequate food intake, the problem is compounded.
Thanks for the good advice everyone. Kathy: I too have always felt better for weights on an empty stomach, aside from coffee, first thing in the morning. I just thought I should eat first. Conversely, with cardio, I HAVE to eat about an hour before, can't be too full or hungry. Maribeth; my question to you is how does the body dispose of the lactic acid? Is there something I can do to speed things up? The nausea didn't last long, but it sure wasn't the usual post exercise "high".
You guys are the greatest. How would I ever know any of this stuff otherwise? Thanks

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