Well I have been reading the questions from this web site for ages and have finally taken the plunge and registered. Woo-hoo! I already have MIS and love it but find it really difficult to complete in one session. My question is: I have preordered Cathe's new videos (haven't received them yet) but don't know whether I should also buy the PS series or if it is kind of redundent since the actual time spent on each body part seems fairly comparable. For those who do have all those videos, maybe you could let me know what you think of them. Also, I love the idea of doing one body part a day since then you don't have to do marathon workouts but so many people say that you really can't get any results this way and that your muscle groups in the upper body don't get enough rest since you keep working them to some degree for 5 days straight. I would really love to hear any thoughts you might have.