Fears and Phobias


Has anyone here ever beaten a phobia or tremendous fear? If so, how?

This is silly, I know, but I am terrified of worms!! I have been so all my life, from the time I was about 3 or 4. It's becoming more of a problem now that I live in the country and am trying to take up gardening! I was just outside trying to mow and as I went over a rather long patch 4 or 5 huge earthworms were exposed near my feet. I made a fool of myself and screamed and ran into the house. Poor DH thought I had run over my toes (though if he had thought about it he would have realized I couldn't have run that fast without my toes!) It sounds funny but I am actually serious about trying to beat it, I just don't know how.

Any suggestions? Interesting phobia stories encouraged as well :D


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
This won't be the least bit helpful to you, but I used to be arachnophobic. When I had Sophie, I was determined not to pass that fear onto her, so I made myself NOT be scared of spiders in front of her. Now I can actually look at them outside and not hyperventilate. Of course, if they get in my house and I get to them before my SO does, they're reduced to their component molecules:p And I still can't look at the big, ugly ones. Not even pictures. But I figure even being able to handle the small ones around my house is a huge step forward for me.

Can you look at pictures of worms? Maybe just one worm to start with, and then work up from there, until you can look at a real one without panicking?
Sorry Sparrow, I can't help you but this made me laugh outloud..."though if he had thought about it he would have realized I couldn't have run that fast without my toes!" Sorry, don't mean to make light of your situation. Hope others can help with some suggestions.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I can't help. I am deathly afraid of centipedes. They're ugly, they're scary, & they live in my basement! They're like 3-4 inches long & their legs make this waving motion when they run, & when the run OMG they run like the wind!

Sometimes those giant hairy suckers make their way up into my actual house & if you want to see someone jump--you know, when you have the bug spray out & you're standing like 10 feet away w/your arm extended as long as it can go trying to reach as far as possible w/the can of spray w/o being in leaping range of the nasty old centipede....

My question is, what purpose do they serve on this earth anyway other than to scare the $hit out of me?

Shelley, if it helps, I've always considered spiders my friends b/c they kill all the other bugs in your house. Including centipedes. Spiders are good. :)
Poor Sparrow. A bird who is afraid of worms. I really don't think I can help, but I once saw a recipe for worm cookies. The worms were dried and ground and added to the dough. Maybe if you ate some, you could overcome your phobia.
I had to get over my fear of spiders a few years ago when I moved into the house I'm living alone. It had been vacant for a couple months before that, and I had no choice. THEY WERE HUGE!!! Well, I need to correct that, I didn't get over my fear, I was forced to actually face them and get rid of them myself. I still panic and scream and detest them! LOL

I also developed a fear of heights as an adult, and I don't know why. In fact, last night I had a nightmare about finding myself on a ledge clinging to a building and actually woke myself up with my hyperventilating! Weirdo! I hate that heights scare me, and I'm really trying to overcome this one.

I am afraid of heights and of falling from heights.
When I have to drive on a bridge and can't see the ground on both sides, my palms get all sweaty and my heart beats a mile a minute. (This fear may stem from my having been riding on my dad's back when he was going down our stairs, and him falling, but I don't remember the incident at all).

> I am actually serious about trying
>to beat it, I just don't know how.
>Any suggestions?

One way therapists deal with fears is to gradually introduce you to the feared object, increasing exposure each time. So have a trusted friend bring you a worm, show it to you (maybe that's all you can handle at first), then gradually show it to you for a longer period of time, then let you touch it, then hold it for longer periods of time.

Also, maybe thinking of how beneficial and useful worms are? Or getting a book that talks about how good they are, with pictures in you can gradually expose yourself to?
Clausterphobia. And I am a firefighter! I am not sure where it came from, but I can't stand having my arms or legs pinned. SOmetimes if my Dh and I are messing around with the kids and I get to the bottom of the pile I start to freak out. Or even when we are in bed, my son will come in and lay on top of the covers. I might get a little panicky since I am 'stuck' being in the middle under the blankets.
The worst part that I have managed to overcome is having to wear the face mask from my air tank (firefighting). I remember freaking out once in fireschool. I couldn't get it off fast enough. I thought I was going to die. But, somehow I just kept doing it and faced it. I have to keep telling myself I am fine and breath slowly.
Unfortunately I see some of this in my 4 year old. He starts to panick if he feels pinned or restricted in anyway. I wish I knew how to help him with it.
Good luck with it. I was having the same issues last year with the spiders in my barn. I actually would have to stand outside and get control of myself. I felt sick knowing those fat ugly things were above my head. This year hasn't been so bad cuz I send my kids in first with sticks to knock the webs down LOL!!!:p

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Sparrow.

I have no real helpful suggestions...except, have 4 sons. You'll pretty much get exposed to everything constantly and then nothing is scarey.:+ Actually, that's true, but it's a long, tough therapeutic option and I'm sure there are better ones.

Had to LOL about your toes and running comment.
Huge fear of grasshoppers. Our poor dog has missed out on many a walk because of grasshoppers. Thankfully the season for them is just about over.
Bees, wasps, hornets and yellowjackets. I hate those little b*st*rds. When I was a toddler I stepped in a wasp nest and was stung 32 times by wasps and some bees that came to the party; they even found a live wasp in my diaper when they took me to the doctor. Over time I've been able to control myself outwardly when they come swooshing around, but only outwardly; inwardly I'm having a Code-3 conniption.

Well it's nice to know I am not alone!!

Shelley - you don't want to come to my house then, we have two basements and the older one is partial dirt floor. TONS of spiders. When people ask if we have pets we say "do spiders count?" :D And no, I can't look at a picture of a worm. It sounds so silly to say but I have to look away or cry!!

Debbie: don't apologize, I was meaning to be funny re: the toes. And, really, the whole situation is sort of ludicrous....

Robin: I think you have just given me a new diet idea. I'd lose all sorts of weight on the worm diet. <insert puke emoti here!!>

Laura: I agree, centipedes are useless. With worms I have to hear the "worms are our friends" lecture. Okay, I get it, they do good things for the earth but really, I just want them dead.

Kathryn: Hah! The "worms are our friends" angle :p Actually, aversion therapy is probably the only way to go but how stupid to have therapy over worms, you know?

Sherry: you have it worse! At least worms don't LEAP!! (okay, just thinking about leaping worms bothers me. Someone fetch the smelling salts, I'm fear I may swoon :D)

AJ: sounds like you have a reason to be afraid of them! I'd be surprised if you weren't, after that experience!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Flying!!!!! This phobia has only developed in the past 8 years or so. (before 911 though, so no association). I went home to interview for several jobs in 1998. I did this on my own with two small children in tow. It was a working vacation, but it was a vacation that I knew would change my life. I think the whole ordeal was so stressful that when I got on the plane I had the first full fledged panic attack of my life. It was terrifying, and what made it worse was that my kids were with me. Now, I'm not sure if I am more afraid of flying or the panic attacks. The only place I've ever had one is on a plane. Now I have one every time I get on a plane. Have to take drugs (legal ones) to be able to do it. Will avoid flying unless it is absolutely necessary. Crazy thing!
I'm deathly afraid of Bees}( }( }( }( If one is even 10 ft in front or behind me, well, I just say now you see me... NOW YOU DON'T:p :p :p Never gotton stug yet (thank god;-)) and never will}( What I just do is run like you did (hey and you'll burn a few extra calories too:+) Just run for it girl!

One more thing. Shelly- I think thats great of you to give up fears like that because of your daughter. That shows what a great Mom you are. I bet she loves you very much:)

Take Care!

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Thanks Sparrow!

Whew, I feel better. I don't like laughing when someone has a problem...it was just worded soo funny and even what your DH thought made me laugh! Thanks for making me feel better.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I feel the same fear when it comes to spiders or their webs. They absolutely set me into a panic. It is the only time when you will here me scream.
I have tried multiple things to get over it. I have graduated to not inflicting a horrible death on the ones outside. If they are inside, they are squashed. I have also been able to kill them myself.
I think it comes from childhood for me. My dad cleaned at night to earn money while going to college. He used to take me with him. One night, he told me to sit in a hallway that he was buffing. So I sat with my back to a plate glass window and waited for my dad. While sitting there, I turned and looked into the bushes on the other side of the window and noticed that there were thousands (no kidding) of black widow spiders. And alas it started. We lived in the west most of my childhood and there were always black widow spiders to contend with.
The only encouragement I have is that you are not alone my dear!

My mom hated grasshoppers too. She used to pay us to collect them and feed them to the goldfish in the pond. :)
For me it is those nasty potato bugs as we call them in Calif. They look like ants on steroids, and live in the soil. When I see one I just have to squish it....I hate that it makes me do that... http://bestsmileys.com/scared/7.gif[/img]

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