Fear of weights?



Every time I think about the new series, I get sweaty palms or an involuntary groan escapes me. Anyone else feel this way? I can do cardio any day, I even love MIC and always do it all each time. Weights - I avoid them. Today I did PH and found myself still struggling on the leg stuff (esp the staggered lunges). I know if I did it more often it would get easier, I just find it so easy to do cardio instead. Am I just going to die with this new series? I have most of Cathe's recent stuff, and can get through them (sort of). I even like S&H (when I do it!). Is there some benefit for going for tone and not too much strength. I have one of those bodies that would rather look long and lean than 'cut'...

Sigh...just some thoughts on this snowy afternoon in NC...

Do you have Circuit Max? It is the best of both worlds - cardio circuits with weight circuits - but you'd probably like it because you really have to go lighter on the weights. It's a tough workout but fun.

You'll probably dislike the pyramid workouts - I bet you'd like the ones that are more cardio -

I am just like you and I have to force myself to do upper body weight training. Not so lower body though, for I have found that I now explode through my cario workouts with greater force and strength and greater enjoyment now that I regularly train the lower body with weights, and I do PS legs and PH and MIS at least twice a week. I am loving the results. Then I found that i had to work the upper body more just to look balanced. I don't at all do it for the cut look. I am more concerned aboput warding off osteoporosis personally......

Yep, I have CMax and really enjoy it -wierd, right? It's because it is more about endurance than strength. I also use the CTX series quite a bit - again because there is more emphasis on cardio.

And, I wonder about the pyramid workouts as well. Alas, I've ordered the complete set of DVDs and even asked my husband to buy a DVD for our basement workout area. Sigh...

Thanks for your suggestions...it's nice to have other people who are into fitness to talk with. Friends who do not work out do not want to hear about my struggles!
Clare -

I hear you about the osteoporosis, so I don't always beat myself up about my lack of enthusiasm for weights, anything is better than nothing. And, like you, I have noticed that my legs are much less likely to get fatigued on long cardio if I have been doing weights. I guess, though, when pushed for time I always go for the cardio. So, maybe Boot Camp and Cardio/Weights will work for me?!? Thanks for your input. Like I said, friends in fitness are essential!

I'm in the same boat as Clare too. I love working my lower body with heavy weights, endurance too. My cardio has just skyrocketed the last few months. I absolutely hate working my upper body... oh those day are just such a snore for me! :) To get around that, I've started adding one upper body part per day after a cardio or lower body day (I just can't seem to do weights before cardio) so that it's more spread out. That way I work my upper body once per week. Plus, the way I see it, the leg muscle group is much larger than the upper, so they're the ones I feel will help kick my metabolism into gear. I could be wrong but I like what I'm seeing so far so I'm doing what works for me!
Hi Joanna,
I feel the same way about weights. I've been doing cardio for about 20 years and just started doing weights about 1 year ago. I love cardio but I struggle doing weight training. I'm glad I started doing it but I wish I could enjoy it more. I love the CTX series too because it is just a little bit of weight training each day. I also love S & H. Glad to know that someone feels the same way.

I'm fortunate, I guess, in that I would rather do weights, although I do like cardio too. The best reason for me for doing weights, aside from the obvious bone building stuff, is I hope if I keep lots of muscle mass on my body as I age, that I'll always be able to eat heartily. I hate to think of heading into menopause and having to curb my intake of food because my metabolism slows down! I don't want to be "eating like a bird" at 55!! I guess I just want to be able to eat (within reason) whatever I want.

I'd rather work upper body than lower body. After having a weak wimpy upper body all my life, and being led to believe I had no other choice, I'm loving my upper body strength workouts! It's just such a powerful feeling to complete the workout and feel that pump in the muscles! And having well-toned, sexy arms makes wearing those sleeveless fashions a pleasure.

Is any of my enthusiasm rubbing off? :)

Yes! If I could just convince myself that my arms cannot look like Cathe's. Toned, yes; buff, alas, never...

Everyone has been very encouraging in this post, at least I am not out in left field about this (or you are all kind enough not to put it that way ;-)!


yes, I think the new videos Boot Camp andCardio with Weights will be excellent for us because we will be doing some strength work meshed in with the cardio and not put up so much resistance to it, just grab the weight and move on to the next section to keep up with Cathe and the gang. let's hope!!!!

I'm the opposite---I love the weight work, but sometimes find it hard to fit in cardio! The workout I'm dreading is IMAX 2!
What a relief

To know we are all challenged, just in different ways. Here's to a new year of challenges and accomplishments!

Hi, Joanna - just to chip in my $.02 -

It took me quite a while to lose my fear of weights, years in fact. I had to re-adjust my thinking that I was a fraud and a pretender at lifting, having come from a very unathletic background. I found that the more I did them the more natural it felt, to the point now where I feel that the cardio aspect of each of my workouts (and I do cardio and weights in EACH land workout session, in that order) is the "pre-game warm-up" and the weights are the real meat of the workout.

Just keep at it, week in and week out, and it will feel more natural for you.

Annette Q. Aquajock
Joanne - You asked about pyramid work - I love pyramid work - I can't wait for Cathe's CD - I think Cathe's form is the best.

But - you may want to check out THE BOOK (don't get the video) Joyce Verdral fat burning workout - it is all pyramid - it goes really quickly - you can do the upper body in 15 minutes - since you don't like weight work that much - 15 minutes goes so quickly - and you use lighter weights initially. The book and tape are identical - the tape is poorly produced and her form is not up to par. Since you have Circuit Max and are familiar with Cathe - you'll be able to do the program from the book. Most book stores carry it so you won't even have to go to her website. I have a feeling that Cathe's program is going to be tough - I can't wait.
Hmmm...you say natural? That would be close to a miiracle. It's funny because my hubby loves to lift - and cheers me on every time I lift - and, get this, I often feel intimidated, that I am too much of a wimp!

Clearly, I need to give myself a break, then maybe the 'natural' will flow! Thanks for your encouragement.

Yep, me too, I like S&H -maybe because the pace is more manageable? Let's keep ourselves on the road of strength gains, even if others are ahead of us!
Hi Joanna,

Yes it will become more natural. I have developed an incredible passion for my weights, almost unnatural. I get irritated when they are moved or not quite in order. I have five children that would sooner play with the china then touch mom's weights.

Lifting weights is "incredibly addicting"....get addicted!!!

And as for dh, sounds like an encouraging, wonderful guy, but just for fun, ask him to do LL or even PH sometime. He'll have incredible respect for you!!

You should not do weights before cardio anyway. Cardio gets your heart pumping and your body warmed and your muscles into action, but not exhausted. Weights tires your muscles and makes it difficult to do any other exercise afterwards.


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