Favorite Workouts

1 HSC cause i burn the most calories

2 Imax2 because i love the music

3 L/G because it has my favorite floorwork

Power Max--my 1st Cathe workout & still my favorite

Low Max--for days when the knees feel older than the rest of me

#3 is a tie between Step Blast & Rhythmic Step--I love the choreography of both, they're so much fun--but if forced to choose I'd go w/RS, SB just gets a little too monotonous for me towards the end.
Ditto what Coleen said:

>Honestly, I LOVE every Cathe workout I own. Reading this
>thread makes me realize I want more, more, more ! Every DVD
>has been a great investment with huge returns. Coleen

If I had to choose:

1) Gym Styles and S&H (gotten good results from these)
2) Imax 2 & 3 (love the music and the cardio is so FUN)
3) Core Max (gotten some nice definition in my abs and obliques!)

I love KPC and KM especially mixing and matching from the two for a workout. I know that's more that three, but there all great!:D


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