favorite way to use PS in rotation


Hi everyone:)
I am going to start an 8 week rotation using PS and Cathe cardio videos. I've just finished 12 weeks of an endurance rotation, so it is time for a strength one. Does any one have a favorite rotation with PS?
Cardio videos: Body Max
Circuit Max
Rythmic Step
Step Heat
Cardio Kicks
plus a treadmill and bike.


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
PS Rotations are my favorite! I usually do the following for 8 weeks: (this rotation works each body part twice per week)
Sat: PS C/S/T and PS B/B/A
Sun: Rhythmic Step
Mon: PS SL&A
Tue: Cardio Kicks
Wed: MIS (substitute with power circuits and upperbody from Body Max)
Thu: Step Heat
Fri: Rest
-or- (this rotation works each body part twice per week)
Sat: PS C/S/T and 20-25 min on treadmill
Sun: PS B/B/A and 20-25 min on bike or treadmill
Mon: Cardio Kicks
Tue: PS SL&A
Wed: Rhythmic Step
Thu: Power Circuits and Upperbody from Body Max
Fri: Rest
-or- (this rotation works the lower body 2x's, upper once)
Sat: PS C/S/T
Sun: Body Max Step and Power Circuits
Mon: PS B/B/A
Tue: Cardio Kicks
Wed: PS SL&A
Thu: Step Heat
Fri: Rest
-or- (this rotation works each part 1 x)
Sat: PS C/S/T
Sun: MIC
Mon: PS B/B/A
Tue: Step Heat
Wed: PS SL&A
Thu: Rhythmic Step
Fri: Rest
Have fun!!!!
Just to let others know, this is what I came up with:

M: CST and hi/lo from MIC
T: BBA and step from MIC with any cardio warm up of Cathe's
T: an interval workout of choice or Cardio Kicks
F: Cardio choice/ and Yoga sculpt from Karen Voight
S: Circuit max


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Hello Judy,

When you CST & hi/low from MIC, do you do the cardio first or weights first? I think I would prefer the cardio first as I like ab work to be the last workout as it can also be a cool down.

I prefer the cardio first. Then I know I am warmed up enough for the weights.


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

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