Favorite of Turbo Jams?


If a person didn't really care for kickbox - which of the Turbo Jams would you choose, any? Music is an important factor also...

I should be getting turbo jam get on the ball in the next few days and will let you know what I think about it. I borrowed a friends turbo jam party and turbo abs and sculpt. I think they are okay but for an easier day if I dont feel like doing cathe or jari love.
I have all of the Turbo Jams and I would have to say that my favorite is Kickin Core - one of the new ball ones. Love the music and the workout. Second would be Fat Blaster. In Fat Blaster you do 4 turbos in a row - actually 8 turbos in that you do/learn one in low impact/intensity - then do the same one in high intensity. The 30 mintues goes by incredibly fast. Third would be Kick, Punch and Jam - it is more athletic, less dancey and again - awesome music, moves etc... Total Body Blast is fun and different in that it is more of a circuit workout, and I have DOMS after doing it.

I do like the 20 minute workout to get in some quick cardio before doing a weight workout.

You just cant go wrong with Turbo Jam and the music - it is SO awesome and goes with the moves so well. I woke up in the middle of the night the other day with the music running through my head. If I am not feeling doing a workout - all I do is start to think about the music and it gets me moving and ready to do it.

I do most of them these days with the weighted gloves that you can get from beachbody as well - it really adds that little bit more so you really feel worked when you are done.

I got the original turbo jams and hated them and sent them back. I did cave and get the new ball series. Kickin Core and body blast. I do like the ball segment of kicking core it's about 15 min. I just can't get into turbo jam. I find their form not very good and it bugs me to no end. I'm just not that dancer type person. I don't like to feel embarassed when I'm working out. Now body blast I did like. You use the stability ball the whole time. Do a short cardio segmnet then a core segment. I do like Chalene, she is nice and seems to be a fun person, but I just don't find her kickboxing my taste. I'd rather stick with Cathe or Ilaria from powerstrike.
No flames please I know alot of you love turbo jam and that is great, but I feel that I am flopping around doing the funky chicken. No I do practice good form jsut can't get into them!!
Jen, thanks for your opinion. I, like you, didn't care for Turbo Jam for pretty much the same reasons and sent it back. I do like Chalene and her music though so was hoping she had something that I might like. I think I might try Body Blast, thank you!

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