Favorite childhood food?

--Those frozen icee things they used to sell at the cafeteria in Kmart

--Zingers (vanilla) now I find them overly gross but back in the day....

--fresh corn on the cob...still da bomb!

--cotton candy I still enjoy one stick at the NYS Fair when I get to go...after I've had a big ol' sangria slushy and quarter chicken bbq in "NYS fair bbq sauce" from Baker's Chicken Coop

My brother loved those Freihoffer cookies too ;-)
Hey...whatever happened to Entremanns (sp?) pastries? They used to make a killer cheese coffee cake. DH and I used to indulge once a week on that stuff. Maybe it was an East Coast thing...bummer!
I'm with you on the homemade biscuits. I lived with my grandmother, and she made them every night for supper (it wasn't called "dinner" in my neck of the woods) except for the days that she made cornbread! Add some fresh from the garden fried squash, turnip greens, and/or snaps (ie, green beans) cooked to an inch of their lives and this little country girl was in heaven!!!! End the meal with some home made peach preserves on a biscuit for dessert...yum!

Gee, I miss my grandmother big time.
According to Wikipedia Entenmann's is still kickin' but I haven't seen their stuff....then again I don't eat that stuff anymore. Just ice cream..... :9 :9
Wow, ready this post brought back so many memories of food I don't eat anymore!

Love the PB&J, oreos and the no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies that someone else mentioned.

My mom used to make corn fritters and we'd have them with sausages and maple syrup! I gotta get my mom to make some!

Cheers everyone and have a great father's day weekend!

Thanks Chickie!!! I am boohooing. It is an East Coast thing...I guess it is back to Pop Tarts for me and the hubby! :)
This is going to sound gross, but I loved when my grandmother and I made chocolate chip cookies, and you know when the sugar is creamed with the butter, and you add the eggs, but before the flour goes in, thats what I used to LOVE to eat! It was sooo sugary and creamy at the same time. My grandma used to make these almond crescent cookies too that were just melt in your mouth.
>According to Wikipedia Entenmann's is still kickin' but I
>haven't seen their stuff....then again I don't eat that stuff
>anymore. Just ice cream..... :9 :9

You can get Entenmann products in Ohio but I haven't bought anything in years.
Dang Michelle! You "east coasters" have it made! :) Have I mentioned that I miss the drive thru liquor stores too?! What a riot!

Sometimes even minus the bread...spoon + fluff jar + pb = HEAVEN!

ETA: this is still a favorite on the rare occasion that there is fluff in the house.
Licking the beaters after my mom would make chocolate cake, then licking the beaters again after my mom would make the chocolate icing. Everything tastes better licked from a beater!

Also, on Sunday night my mom would make chicken and rice and cream gravy, and my ultimate fantasy food is a big bowl of (white) rice covered in that cream gravy, which was about 80% chicken fat and the rest salt and cream, I think. SO YUMMY.
For me it was homegrown tomatoes with lots of salt and pepper. I used to eat so many of them as a child that I would get serious hives. I also liked freshly-baked-by-my-mom bread slathered with butter and a milk gravy she would make and corn on the cob on the side.
Mom's lasagna; double-decker BLT's with tomatoes straight out of the garden; any my favorite - Johnsonville brats, with mom's homemade cole slaw, potato salad, and fresh from the farmer's road stand sweet-corn-on-the-cob!!! (still love that one!)

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