Favorite Cathe cardio tape?


Hi everyone, this is a useless, just-for-fun post. I was wondering what everyone's favorite Cathe cardio tape is?

Mine so far is Step Jam. I love that tape! The third section is my absolute favorite. I haven't gotten Rhythmic Step yet, but I have a feeling I'll love that one when I get it.

So, spill!! What Cathe tape do you love the most?
Step Works is first on my list. It's amazing how much fun that one is because it's really tough for me. But I always have a blast. Cardio Kicks is awesome too. So much fun! Circuit Max is fun, but really tough and sometimes I have to pause the tape or march in place and I get so frustrated with myself! Rhythmic Step is great - tons of fun and the intensity creeps up on you! I love Step Jam as well, especially the finale of the 3rd section. And all of the CTX cardios are excellent. I did a few of those last week and I am always surprised by how fast the time flies! Body Max and MIC are wonderful because you feel so proud when you're done, but I can't say the time passes quickly with those. But for sheer torture value, they are super. Lately, I have been doing Imax twice a week to get ready for the intensity series and I have to admit, I really like this video. The music, the energy level, Cathe's happy yet honest attitude. It is much more fun to do once you know the tape and each interval by heart. Oh, and Power Max is fun too.
Currently my vote is for Rythmic Step. Right now I have IMAX burnout, but still am managing to work it into the rotation. RS is the only Cathe tape without an atleast somewhat "dread factor". It truly is "fun" once you get the moves...

Well, I don't have all of Cathe's workouts yet, still slowly increasing the number :) But of the ones I have I would have to say a tie between Step and Intervals and Cardio Kicks. But I got the Classics and the Rhythmic Step/MIC/IMAX dvds for Christmas, so I have a lot of new workouts to try out. Fun thread! Heather
Ha Jilly!!

Too bad you don't think ANY of the tapes are FUN!!! :7 I know the feeling. Can't pick JUST ONE!!! Kay, I guess I'd have to say Rhythmic Step is my fav right now. I have been working super hard the past month to get it down and I THINK I've GOT IT!!! Fun, fun tape once you learn the moves. (The BEST music of all Cathe tapes IMO. Okay, I can't pick just one either. I LOVE Power Hour too!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I think Rhythmic step and the step portion of MIC! are some of my favorite step routines.
I also enjoy Cardio Kicks for a change.

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
My vote is STILL for BodyMax. I love, love, love this tape!! It was my first, and still my favorite. Although I've got to say the step part of MIC and PowerMax and Stepfit all run a close second!
Now strengthwise, I love the PS Series! I'm hoping to love the pyramids just as much!!
I want to focus on endurance here soon and I think at that time the new tapes will be favs of mine also. But, since BodyMax is an endurance tape it will still be queen video to me:) !!

Rhythmic Step, and after that Power Max. Those are pretty much the only step videos I do anymore, and only on occasion since I switched to running as my main source of cardio. But these two remain favorites because of the high fun factor! And you WILL get Rhythmic step--keep at it, it's worth the effort. :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-02 AT 03:03AM (Est)[/font][p]My favorite Cathe cardio tape is PowerMax right now.
I'll have to say Step Works too and also IMAX. Step Works can be so tough some times and IMAX is the one I always feel so proud of when I'm done! Well, now MIC is fun too! Heck, I can't decide! :D Susan

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