Favorite Cardio DVD?


I'm looking to expand my cardio collection, and was looking for some ideas... Cathe or non-Cathe (!!!). What's your favorite cardio? (I do run <outdoors> but like to mix it up with "indoor" cardio, but I don't like cardio machines.)

I've been on a heavy-weight training kick lately (Gym Styles and S&H) and need some new cardio to add to the mix.

i also love to run outside, and like to mix it up for my indoor cardio. the treadmill is always my last resort! one of my non-cathe faves is powerstrike 2, it's so fun to do, the time goes quickly and i feel like i got a good workout from it.

i don't think i could narrow down to one cathe dvd for cardio, it really depends on my mood - i enjoy all of them in different ways!
I also am not a cardi machine person, but I can't run, either.
I prefer kickboxing (adds upper body toning like no other cardio, and also works flexibility and balance), but also do step aerobics, hi-lo, rebounding (most recently, running and sprinting on the rebounder to Cardio Coach CD's).
I know it's hard to narrow down to just one or two workouts! I find myself gravitating to step and running, gave away my rebounder (which I'm now starting to regret)...

I do like Body Max 2 (have it already), have never gotten into kickboxing, although I know I should, for variety. Maybe this time around I'll order KPC/L&G... I dunno though. Power Strike 2 sounds awfully tempting.

How about Cardio Fusion? Any input on that one? (As I said, I have BM2 and also have LIC - but not Drill Max - would CF seem too repetitive if I already have BM2 and LIC?)

My top favs are Imax2, Step Blast, Body Max2, Low Max, Cardio and Weights, Low Impact Cardio...I could keep going.:) Cathe's workouts are so fun.

Cardio Fusion is great but I'd say that if you already have BM2 and LIC, I'd focus on getting other workouts that you don't have yet. Step Blast/Step, Jump and Pump and IMAX 2/Cardio and Weights are both awesome.
Hi Mommacody
I had a question (ok, actually 2) on Powerstrike 2, how long is the workout and is is part of Ilaria Montagnani's "Millenium" series?
I really enjoy kickboxing workouts and would love to add another
to my collection. thanks for your help!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
My fav cardio workouts are-

BodyMax 2
Imax 2
Low Impact Circuit
Kickbox Xtreme-Amy Bento
Tracey Staheles- Step Sweatfest and HIT Step.

I am a cardio lover and also a lifelong runner. My favorites are:

Imax 3
Kimberly Spreen's Absolute Kickboxing- a new fave!
HCE #2
BM2- step and intervals

I am a cardio lover and also a lifelong runner. My favorites are:

Imax 3
Kimberly Spreen's Absolute Kickboxing- a new fave!
HCE #2
BM2- step and intervals

Powerstrike 2 is part of the millenium series. I think it's only available on vhs, which is the only drawback i can think of. it's about 60 minutes long i believe, and i LOVE it. it's definitely one of my favorite kickboxing workouts.

good luck!
Favorite cardio's:
The short intense non-treadmill cardio's from Barry's Boot Camp
Kimberly Spreen's Absolute Kickboxing
Imax 3
All the step workouts from the newest batch of CIA's
Amy Bento's:
Advanced Step Challenge
Step & Hi/Lo portions from Cardio Pump Step and Cardio Pump Hi/Lo
Tracey Staehle's:
High Intensity Step Mix
Thanks so much Cody,
The workout sounds terrific! I can live with VHS and now I just have to find a website that sells it!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
If you can find it. Tae Bo Get Ripped Series. I love it. It is a lot harder than any of his other stuff. To me it is harder than KPC which is the only Cathe KB w/out that I have.
I also really like Patrick Goudeau. He has great dance w/outs!
For step cardio, I'll stick with Cathe. No one compares!
My favorites are:

Rythmic Step
Drill Max (I know it's not only cardio but I still LOVE it)

Hello Bernadette,

I like her old cardio on Cardio Hits DVD, which has:

Power Max
Step Fit
Step Works

The others are:
Rhythmic Step
Step Blast
All the IMAXes

In fact, I like all Cathe step and just added one by Seasun Zeiger which is more complex but low impact. I have not learnt the entire workout on this DVD but I like what there is so far.

Hi Runnergirl
I love the Taebo get ripped series too! I just did Advanced workout 1 last night and sweated like a maniac! I keep buying billy blank's newer ones, but always wind up disappointed because they just don't have that same intensity. His Ultimate lower body is another oldie but a goodie (I think it's only on vhs--it's a compilation one from his numerous early workouts)

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Hi Bernadette!

My fave cardio DVD right now is Drill Max. I just started doing one of the premixes that is all cardio. I can't remember the name of it, scrambled cardio maybe? It is just down right fun!

Second in line is Imax2.

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