Favorite Cardio Coach


After reading the cario coach threads I am planning on getting some of the downloads. Since they are buy 2 get 1 free I just have to get 3. So my question is what are everyone's favorites?

Shayne, I am so excited you are going to get some of the workouts. Here are my favorites.

Volume 2 revised (love the music on the challenges in this workout)
Volume 4 (very hard, kick butt workout)
Volume 6 with Candace (extremely challenging, I think the hardest CC workout, Coach Sean's Volume 6 is good too, but not as tough)
Volume 3

These are just some of my favorites, but honestly I like them all. I usually prefer the revised versions of his workouts compared to the original ones. Maybe you could get a shorter one, medium length one, and a longer length one. Let us know what you get.

Mine, in order...

CC#6 with Candace
CC#3...love the sprints
CC#2 revised
CC#1 original

I agree with Karin...I LOVE them all and they all have a place in my rotation, but the above 5 appear in my rotations over and over...
Oh goody, we hooked another one:7

The Choose Living Press Play workout is my favorite, but that's not included in the deal. Honestly, I love them all and my favorites seem to change depending on my mood. Lately I've been alternating between #3 and #4 quite a bit. I think both of these are fairly popular, as is #6 with Candace. The revised Vol 1 is a sentimental favorite -- it was the first one I bought. :)
My favorite is volume 6 with Candace. I bought that one, the other vol 6 with Sean, and vol 5. I haven't tried 5 yet, so I still have to decide which order they'll come in.

Press Play is very good too, but as Michele said, it's not included in the offer.
After hearing everyone talk about them I want them all. Are they always a buy 2 get 1 free? If not...I am just sure I need 6. I have been trying to add more cardio lately and I think this would really help.
I think most of us ended up buying them all, but to answer your question, the buy 2 get 1 free offer has been running for quite awhile. I have no idea if that's a permanent offer or not.
I have 1, 3 and 5. My current favorite is 3, next favorite is 5. They are all great though. I want to get the rest.

My three favorites are Volume 6 with Candace, Volume 2 revised, and Volume 4.

I love Press Play too!!


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