Fat loss advice needed!!!!!!!!!!


Good morning....I have been reading posts addressed to FitnessFreak, and was hoping anyone with an opinion could direct me towards a rotation that will help me lose my pregnancy weight-DS#2 is now 1 year old, and it is high time I get rid of this extra 20#!!!I have managed to lose about 8# since January, but it seems that I need a kick in the a@#....besides needing to lose pounds and inches, my biggest biggest problem areas are my hips and thighs....which of FitnessFreak/Cathe's rotations will help me towards my goals? I have most of Cathe's videos, plus a treadmill and spin bike....(am waiting for Mindy Mylrea's newest spin dvd's-should be here any day....)I consider myself an intermediate to advanced exerciser, just seem to have lost my drive and vision the past year....I also have P90x...really don't like kickboxing, but I will force myself to do it if I have to!!I was going to spin classes 2-3X per week, but they are cutting back to only 1 per week at my gym for the summer-bummer!!and I feel that the spin classes 3x per week helped me to lose the weight that I did manage to lose...

Thanks everyone for ANY opinions/advice....

has anyone had any success with a particular rotation? would appreciate any feedback as to which ones, and any substitutions that were made...

Thanks again,
I am finishing up Cathe's August 07 lower body solution rotation. I did make some adjustments(see below). I like kickbox, so I did it 2X a week. I don't need to lose weight, but I wanted to lose inches in my hips (which I did) and my legs look very defined! I am very happy with the results of the rotation. I think if you eat CLEAN and really watch your diet, you can the lose weight/inches you want, and this rotation will help.

Mon…Body Max 2 (bootcamp premix)
Tues…Cardio Kicks
Wed… Butts and Guts Premix #1 (49 min)
Thurs…. HIIT
Sat…. Gym Style Legs
Sun… Cardio and Weights

Mon….. 4DS kickbox only plus Core Max segment one
Tues….Butts and Guts Premix #2 (65 min)
Wed….Imax 3
Thurs…Muscle Max
Fri….. KPC (no abs)
Sat…. Leaner Legs and KPC abs
Sun…. off

Mon….Pyramid Upper Body
Tues…. Interval Max or HIIT
Wed….Butts and Guts Premix #3 (47 min) plus B&G stability ball abs
Thurs…. 4DS kickbox/bootcamp cardio only
Fri…. Gauntlet from Terminator DVD
Sun….Pyramid Lower Body/4DS KB abs (plus 30 minute steady state run)

Mon…. LIC upper body only Plus CTX Kickbox (cardio portion only)
Tues…..Butts and Guts Premix #4
Wed…..Rhythmic Step or HIIT/ B&G stretch
Thurs….Legs and Glutes Plus Ab hits premix #6
Fri…..Drill Max Premix #5 (60min)
Sat….Kick Max

Deanie -

Planning on two weeks of "kick bootah" lower body leaning out in between my NROLW workouts.

Which two weeks did the most for you in the back end/thigh area?
Jacque- I'd say the last two weeks!}(

How is NROLW going for you? I got the book and was interested, but couldn't figure out the program- when to do what/which excerise.

OK - last two weeks it is. Don't have the Gauntlet - is there anything else that is remotely close?

As far as the NROLW - I am enjoying it and feeling stronger since you do the same workouts every other time. That way you can increase the weights but have fewer reps and can make it through. I felt like I chose good poundage when I started and actually increased quite a bit by the end of Stage 1. Have my last workout B tomorrow and then the Special A & B next week and will be done with Stage 1. Want to shed a few pounds so instead of a one week break I think I may take two and then start up with Stage 2. I am seeing from our checkin that Stage 2 seems a bit tougher with more HIIT cardio anyway so hopefully I can do both, lose fat and gain a bit of muscle at the same time}(

So for the program: See pg 140. That is your workout A for the entire Stage 1, alternating with Workout B for the entire Stage 1.

Begin with Workout A, 2 sets of 15 (picking a weight you can handle) and go through each of the exercises. The Squats are just one set and then the next set, after you rest for 60 seconds. The Push-ups and the Seated row are alternated, ie do pushups, rest 60, do seated row, rest 60, push ups, rest 60, seated row, rest 60. Then go to Step up, rest 60, jackknife, rest 60, and repeat for the correct # of reps and sets.

Do the same the next workout with the Workout B exercises. Then the third workout of the week you go back to Workout A. See page 125 for a chart of how to space your workouts.

I am running on 3 of the "off" days and taking one rest day per week.

Hope this makes sense. Post again with any questions. Also go the the Alwyns, TTers, 90Xers, etc. Checking post and see what we are all up to. Join us if you feel like giving it a try. I am a couple weeks behind Judy (FitMama) so get to see what comes next and what she thinks of her workouts:p .
Thanks Jacque~
The Gauntlet is a really tough circuit. If you have HSTA, that could be a good sub. HCE#1 would also be a good sub.

You make NRFLW sound so easy :)! I will have to review the book with your post in front of me :) It always takes me a while to change, I'm not good with it, I usually stick with what I know. If I do the program, I will check in with you guys!

thanks again,
Deanie -

Was playing around on the home page and happened to come across the Terminator DVD explanation. Had the actual workouts on the DVD posted. WOW, they all look tough. I have the original DVD's and am pondering the idea of possibly trying it but don't know if it will take too long to pop in the DVD's in order since I only have a one DVD at time player.

Or maybe I can "memorize" part of the weight workouts and do them in between?

Or, maybe I'll just hafta break down and purchase another DVD?}(

Thanks for the info !

SO SORRY that it has taken me awhile to properly thank you, but we are having terrible flooding in the area AND right out our front door!

and this may sound like a dumb question, but what is 'NROLW'?

Thanks again,

NROLFW is an acronym for a book about weightlifting for women. Its The New Rules of Lifting For Women. A good read, very interesting, but it was a little confusing for me, I need the program pretty much spelled out for me-LOL!

I hope you enjoy the rotation and get the results you are looking for! :7

High Intesity Interval Training.

It can be any type of cardio by needs intervals where you are working at a high intesity then recover, then hit the highs again.

Like an Imax or an interval run where you go all out, then do a slow jog or fast walk, or walking high inclines to flat and back up again.

I'm sure you can google or do a search on this website to find a better explanation or other types of exercises that would fit.

It seems to be the latest way to train since it supposedly keeps your metabolism elevated for a longer period of time after exercising.

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