Fast-forwarding thru my workout


New Member
Hi Cathe,

I've never posted here, but I lurk on a regular basis (love this site). I've been doing your PS series for about 10 mos. now and I love the workouts but gotta admit, I dread the lying down hamstring work in PSL. It just seems to take forever and it's so "painful". Tonite I had (what I thought) was the most fantastic idea...I put the tape on fastforward when I got to that part, and did it that way instead. I know it's cheating somewhat, but, what do you think...can it be beneficial at all to me to do it that way instead of at the normal pace? I did manage to keep up with the same number of reps. I liked it! It was over with in a jiffy! :) p.s. I think I know what your answer will be!
hi-speed reps

Hi and welcome. I'm glad you are enjoying this site.

After reading your post, I can't tell if you are joking or not. I can't imagine that you would actually be able to to those reps to a fast forward speed, yet you sound like you really did do it. Now that I gotta see

Well, if you are serious and really wanting to know the answer, doing any reps at that kind of speed would be all momentum(and risking injury too)with no muscle control. There is just no way to effectively contract a muscle at that speed.

A more effective approach would be to do half of the hamstring work(at normal speed
) and then fast forward to the next section. Thanks for posting!
love/hate also

I feel the same way about those lifts sometimes, but my dislike is not because of pain it is because of foot position. I just can't seem to get it right, and I feel like my foot is slipping a lot of the time. The last time I did it I determined that maybe I was too close to the board. Maybe you can experiment with footing?
thanks Cathe!

well, yes, I was half-joking in the sense that I knew my sped up version wouldn't be effective, but I thought I'd take a 'shot in the dark'. That hamstring work is a killer, BUT it has made a real difference in the shape of my thighs, and for that, I am grateful and will continue to 'suffer' through that part and even give it my all (well, most of the time anyway).
I have the same problem

My foot seems to slip too. Would these be as effective at a lower step height or by placing my foot on the floor instead of the board? I would think that being farther from the board would help but would also make the lifts more difficult.

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