Fascinating...Live longer by Eating Less

I saw this program last night. It makes sence, some people eat way too much and are consumed with food and counting calories and such. Portions in reasturants are way too big.. enough food for most people for an entire day is sitting there on a plate and cosumed in one meal! That is why i like the idea of eating small meals throughout the day... you are never hungry and will not over eat imo. Works for me.
I think I remember Dr. Fuhrman talking about this in Eat to Live. He says since his diet is very low calorie, it should also help you to live longer.

I totally agree, most should eat far less than what they do. I seen something on GMA I think, this man and his wife were on a diet eating mostly veggies and fruits and a little lean meat. He only ate about 1300 calories a day... he was 5'9" and weighed about 139. His dr said he was very healthy....


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