FAO Fitness Freak



Can I take this oppurtunity of thanking you in advance for all your time that is spent doing rotations and answering peoples fitness questions.

Anyway I was wondering which rotation you are presently doing which has given you such excellent results. I've noticed on your Hardcore Fitness Thread you daily list your workout and sometimes state 'today is angular day' etc. Is this a rotation from a muscle/fitness magazine or is it one you have devised your self. I love to read all the rotations both yours and Cathes and I always print them off. I have all of Cathe's DVDs and I love them. Often I'll look at a rotation and think yes I'd like to try that. But then look at another and change my mind. They all look good. I'm trying to build strength and lose fat. I know diet is 60% of the package and that is where I fall down. lol Do you have to stick to a very strict diet to get the results you have?

Also do you think a three day split like Gym Styles plus an Endurance based workout, with Cardio would give optimum results. Sorry about all the questions but I am keen to learn.

Finally have you ever considered doing rotations for a fee as I think you could do very well at it. :)
Thanks for reading and I apologize again for the long winded post.

Hi Laura!
Right now I am doing a rotation from the men's M&F magazine. It is a Push/Pull rotation. One day you do push movements, the next day you do pull movements, and then there are two angular days which are exercises that don't really fit into a "push" or "pull" category. It's a great rotation, I'm doing it for 8 weeks. I got 4 more weeks to go.

Yes, I am on a very strict diet. I eat around 1700 calories a day and keep my macros at 30% fat, 40% protein and 30% carbs. This has worked well for me as I am cutting for the summer. Once fall/winter gets here I will bring my macros back up to 20% fat, 40% carbs, 40% protein.

Your split would work nicely, just make sure you give your muscles enough rest between workouts. Three day splits usually work well because you'll get optimal rest that way.

No, I haven't thought of doing rotations for a fee. Why do you ask? LOL! I highly doubt people would pay for my rotations.
Hello Debbie

Thank you very much for replying I know how busy you are. I have recently bought the M&F magazine the August addition. (I'm from the uk and the we can only get M&F Magazine here not the M&F Hers, also we can't get Oxygen Mag) It seems like a good magazine.

Anyway I'm going to follow a three day split possibly Gym Styles or Slow and Heavy. Followed by a full body DVD such as Power Hour or Muscle Endurance, to polish things up a bit. The rest of the time I will add on Cardio. I will have one day off per week which I'm going to incorporate some form of flex/stretching training.

As for the fee query. Have you never considered training to be a fitness instructor as you would be very good either working with clients directly in your area or/and setting up your own website with forums etc advising people on exercise. Alot of people seem to appreciate your advise and you are very knowledgeable in your field.
Anyway have a think about it and thanks very much for replying.

Take care

I LOVE men's M&F. So much good info in those mags on training, exercises, diet. The rotations are awesome as well.

I've actually been playing with the idea of becoming a certified trainer but it's not doable with my funds right now. I'd love to train and help people out and hopefully I will some day. Right now I do what I can and I don't charge. It's just nice to be able to help people.
Hello Debbie

Yes the training for Certified Trainer courses are very expensive. I hope you get to do it in the future as it seems to be your forte. You have a very approachable manner and seem to be very knowledgeable. I think I will subscribe to M&F Mag as it seems very good.

I will continue to enjoy your posts and once again thanks very much for all your time and effort.

Take Care
HI Debbie,

I am also a fan of yours. Can you give me a sample of a days eating on this plan? I have a hard time keeping the protein that high and was hoping you had a sample days menu.

This is a typical day for me on weight training days:

M1: Vanilla Pro Pudding w/ 1/4 c. raw oats (pre workout)
M2: ON whey protein shake (post workout)
M3: Chocolate Fudge BSN oatmeal (1/2 c. raw oats) & 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
M4: Turkey patty; 2 tbsp. raw almonds
M5: 3/4 c. Greek yogurt w/ Banana Cream BSN
M6: 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites; salad w/light honey mustard dressing
M7: Chocolate Pro Pudding w/ 1 tbsp. power pb & 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed

1719.5 calories
56.9 g. fat - 30%
188.5 g. protein - 44%
120.45 g. carbs - 28%

BSN is Lean Dessert protein powder. Comes in tons of delicious flavors and all of them are really good in hot oats. ON is also a protein powder, I use ON Natural (no sugars or artifical sweeteners).

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