Fake DVD's from Ebay


Hi Cathe,

I have ordered a few of your DVD's from ebay sellers, and the one I got today I know was a fake. I was wondering if there is anything I could do to help you stop them from copying your DVD's. I would be happy to send you the one's I think are fakes, and let you know who the seller's are. There is at least one seller, who I think is copying all your videos and selling them as new.

Let me know what I can do, besides reporting it to ebay.


Hi, Rachel. I am curious about what you noticed on your DVD that led you to believe it is a fake? I, too, have one I ordered from eBay, and it looks strange to me because the cover art is slightly blurry.
I used to order Cathe's DVDs from Ebay too...until I got one that was for sure a fake and it didn't play in any of my DVD players (and it was the CTX DVD set, I paid $60 for it on Ebay). When I approached the seller to replace it, they weren't listed on Ebay anymore. When I contacted Ebay about the seller, they told me that the seller was under investigation and had been removed from Ebay. That was about 3 years ago and I never heard anything from Ebay or the seller after numerous requests for a refund or at least an explanation. I ended up buying the set from Cathe.com for the full price and of course, no problems! I had to throw the useless $60 DVD set in the trash.

Since then, I ONLY order my Cathe DVDs from Cathe.com to be sure that I get the best. And I do--because if something is wrong with the DVD, I can contact the customer service department to work towards a resolution. I'm sure you know that the last series (B&G, BM2, LIC, DM and CF) was completely replaced due to problems with the DVDs-a feat that I'm sure caused Cathe many headaches, but she got it done regardless. She's awesome like that! In fact, I've already preordered the 4 Day Split because I know that if there are any problems, she'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

I know Collage Video also has Cathe DVDs, but I've never ordered anything from them. They appear to be a reputable outlet for many workout DVDs and videos. My aunt orders her Cathe DVDs from them and has not had any problems. I'm not sure how their prices compare to Cathe.com

If you're trying to save a buck by buying Cathe DVDs from Ebay, I don't think its worth whatever amount you're saving because you never know what you are going to get. Besides, I think the comfort and assurance you get ordering directly from Cathe.com is definitely worth the money spent.

Just my experience and thoughts on the matter...
I've also had some bad DVDs from eBay, though I was fortunate enough to get my money back both times. However, there are still some good sellers on eBay if you are careful. One of them is lilysrosen (the same seller as www.advancedworkouts.com) and one is me. :) Once in a while I sell my used DVDs that I'm not using enough. So I know they aren't all bad, at least.



"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
I have to agree with Lainie. I've bought hundreds of workout tapes & dvd's from Ebay over the years, & I've only had 2 or 3 bad experiences. Having said that, I would only buy from a seller with very close to 100% feedback with a reasonably long history.

I do find myself buying Cathe dvd's only from this site for awhile now, because I always partake of the pre-sales...I doubt if I'll ever buy them anywhere else again. Also, as we all know, the customer service here can't be beat. (But I still buy other workouts on Ebay because I love to watch them & try them...then I usually turn around & sell them or give them away!)

Buyer beware!
There are some highly suspect sellers right now on Ebay (I keep tabs on the auctions and these people are selling "used" DVDs that they have listed in previous auctions). The Timesaver, Supersets, and Rhythmic Step are very popular. It must be they are too cheap to buy and burn the newer DVDs to scam people with.
Hi everyone,

I agree with your replies. I know there are reputable sellers on ebay, I have sold my vidoes there plenty of times. I just makes me so mad when people violate copyrights, and it is so against ebay policies-not to mention the law! I'm to the point where I don't want to buy CD's or DVD's on ebay because I've gotten so many fakes now. I learned in business law, that when you are in possession of a stolen article, you are responisible for having it, regardless of whether you knew it was stolen when you obtained it. I'm sure that won't be a problem in this case, but apparently that's the law.

I am going to contact the sellers, and let them know how I feel about receiving stolen merchandies.

Thanks for your input everyone.

>I am going to contact the sellers, and let them know how I
>feel about receiving stolen merchandies.
>Hi Rachel...before you leave any feedback, etc. you need to be 100% sure that your DVD is fake. As I'm sure you're aware, claiming that someone is selling stolen merchandise without having absolute proof is libel. Good Luck!:)
Cathe or SNM,
This concerns me because when you guys come out with the new downloadable workouts for Ipod, Zune, Apple TV etc. I was planning on selling my DVD's on ebay. I was hoping to get a good percentage of what I payed for them back, but now with these fake DVD's out and people straying away from buying them on ebay, I'm afraid they won't sell well. Do you have any other suggestions for resale?
Hi Eva!

Colleen here (from Ohio), Dare I say I would probably never sell
my dvd's because what if your computer crashes? AARRRGGGGHHHHx(

I know it's a scary thought for me to not have Cathe even for a

There's my 2 cents.


p.s. I have also had trouble with some dvd's from ebay and I don't know if I'll buy anymore from there.
<I was planning on selling my DVD's on ebay.>
I hope some people will consider donating a DVD or two to their libraries. It's a great way to legally spread the word on Cathe. I donated Basic Step once I outgrew it to my library and it has been checked out plenty of times. Of course I am sure this will generate some new customers for Cathe as well.
><I was planning on selling my DVD's on ebay.>
>I hope some people will consider donating a DVD or two to
>their libraries. It's a great way to legally spread the word
>on Cathe. I donated Basic Step once I outgrew it to my
>library and it has been checked out plenty of times. Of
>course I am sure this will generate some new customers for
>Cathe as well.

What a great idea, Beavs!

Hi! I am a native Ohioan myself. Born and raised in Chillicothe, Ohio. But my husband is from Boston area, so I now live in Massachussetts. Hopefully there is a way to back up the Cathe files in case it does crash.
As for Amazon, I don't know if the market is any better there than on Ebay. How can they ensure that what I am selling is authentic Cathe?
Donating to the library isn't a bad idea though.

When I have looked on ebay as long as the person is honestly explaining why they are selling it (whether they got it from ebay or Cathe) and you can look at their history to see if they are selling they're own dvd's (not manufactured copies), you should be able to judge for yourself. Especially I keep my eye on return information.
As long as you are honest people will be able to tell.

This is my opinion of course, but there you go. :)


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