Extremely STRANGE question about your "look"!!


Okay, I am going to try and word my question so that someone besides myself can understand what I am trying to ask. I have been wondering about this for some time now.

There are very few people here who post pictures. But, I can imagine how "fit" most ALL of you are with the workouts that you describe.

Okay, we all started at a certain "spot" in our fitness level. We got stronger step by step. We changed our bodies, both inside and out. Now, here is my strange question...

When did you (if you have) make the switch from fit to cut? For example, when did someone else notice that you looked "buff", as if you were a body builder? Do you think that Cathe workouts got you more sculpted and lean? Or do you think that you actually need MUCH heavier weights to get there, such as the towers in the gym?

I am asking this because I feel like I am at a plateau. I am cleaning up the diet, but really have not noticed much change in my appearance lately. I FEEL better and stronger but it seems like my definition is actually getting more "mellow" if that makes sense.

I will probably wind up deleting this post because I have really tried to word this correctly, but it doesn't seem to make sense.

I just wonder if other people would see you and think, "Hey, she lifts weights!" and if the answer is yes, have you done it exclusively with Cathe workouts? That, is probably my question! WHEW!
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

Hey Jackie!:) Not a strange question at all (I don't think). You've got a curious nature which is wonderful and I've wondered about others here as well so, I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones:)

I had been doing full tilt cardio for 3 or 4 years before I seriously got into weights and was lean (5'8" 135lbs) but not defined. I joined a gym in '98 and started doing group fitness weight classes with light hand weights (9 lbs. max). I loved the challenge of weights and often stayed after class to do some heavier upper body work. I also started doing 3 yoga classes a week and really leaned out. One day, one of the instructors saw my Mom and commented that I had 'awesome pipes', when Mom told me I didn't have a clue what she meant by pipes:p I started to get comments from people at the gym, at church and from friends that I was looking pretty muscular. I ate it up (why shouldn't I;-), I'd put in the work!). My yoga teacher asked if I would be a background yogi for her local cable show "Yoga with Kelly and Friends" which was a lot of fun and a nice compliment, that was in '99 and 2000. Too Fun!!!
At the risk of appearing vain (but if I don't tell you, who will:)?) my shoulders, chest and back are my most cut areas and (obviously) the body parts I enjoy working the most, I get the most comments on these parts. I like to do heavy squats and have shed a lot of blood, sweat and tears for any roundness in my derriere (I'm genetically predisposed to the dreaded 'flat office chair butt':+ ). My legs are 'lightly cut' and I can't neglect my calves or else I get chicken legs.
Between working as HARD as I can when doing Cathe weights at home and teaching 2 weight classes and one yoga class a week I have sustained, and ever so sloooooooowly increased my muscle mass over the past 6 years. Now at 42 years old and 140 lbs, I still get and eat up the comments with a smile and a polite 'thanks' and love the way it feels to finally go up one increment in weights on any exercise.
Any time I feel that I am at a plateau I get myself the heck out of the comfort zone and mix it up with something I haven't done before, or haven't done for a while, (tough hike, tough bike ride, heaviest slow set of two or three body parts at the end of a workout, ....).
Be patient with yourself, I don't know if you do Cathe exclusively or not, but for me (and I only speak for me!:) ) if I want to keep my fitness at the 'next level', I have to mix up my workouts quite often, which keeps it fun and interesting. I don't have the discipline or inclination to follow set rotations but know that others love them and swear by them.
I am glad you asked this question and am anxious to hear what others have to say. (Sorry, I didn't realize I'd gone on so:D )

Take Care

p.s. I like your medi-bear icon but where did the 'cross eyed raspberry' go?! :7
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your


What a great response. That is mostly what I was asking. I am NOT one of those women who freak out if they think they are going to "pump up". I WANT that look. And so far, I think that I am doing pretty good, but the changes are coming so slowly now.

Am I getting used to the changes that I made, or are they going away? I keep asking myself that, but know that I am still working out and mixing up the workouts. I don't follow a rotation.

Cathe is challenging enough for me at this point and for a loooong time to come. I just want to see some difference, and have read all the books and articles etc....I am just a little frame, especially my upper body.

I just wish I would get an unsolicited compliment to know that what I am doing is working. The changes right now are too small and too slow for me to see. I hope that doesn't sound insecure. I just need some feedback.

Thanks for your reply.

Also, I COULD not figure out what you were talking about with the cross eyed raspberry. That was my "crazy sunshine" icon. I change them quite often.
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

Hey Jackie: It does get difficult to keep perspective on how we are progressing. Changes come so quickly in the beginning and are obvious but then....they seem to come at a snail's pace, I honestly didn't realize how 'cut' my back was until about a month ago. Two other instructors and I 'team taught' some classes, we all wore the same style top, quite open in the back and when I was checking the fit out in the mirror I was caught by surprise to see my rhomboids, lats and rotater cuff muscles 'staring' back at me:).

I am glad that you have no 'fear' of heavier weights, I think that the #1 mistake fairly fit women make is doing things like bicep curls with 3 or 5 pounders because they are afraid to bulk up. I advise and quietly chuckle and think, 'don't worry honey, it ain't gonna happen working like that'. If it were that easy we'd all be BUFF!:p

I've read your posts, you are working hard and seem to be enjoying the ride (except that yukky flu!), again be patient with yourself and keep up the awesome work.

Take Care
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

Isn't there a point where it just comes down to genetics? I tend to think so. If you look at Cathe, she has no hips to speak of. Maybe I'm wrong, but I bet she has always had an athletic build...even as a child.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just thinking that at some point, genetics takes over.
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your


I just want to say you are just beautiful. Your picture is great! From what I can see in your picutre of your upper body, it looks nice and toned!
Keep on working out and you will keep getting results. If there is a paticular goal you have in mind for your body, maybe trying a rotation geared toward that would get you where you want. I know I do not always follow a rotation because sometimes I just want to do what I want that day. I have found that when I do follow a rotation for a particular goal I see results!!

I do think genetics comes in to a point. I will always have meaty legs!

Have a great day!
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your


Your legs look fantastic. You look very healthy and toned!

As a matter of fact, you and I have very much the same body type but you're a ahead of me on the abs. I still can't get those darn pikes down, but, my pikes are getting higher. As a matter of fact, your abs inspire me to continue to try to perfect the pikes.

And yes, Jackie's toned shoulders can really be seen in her picture. And like Connie1 said in one of her posts, Cathe has been at this for almost 20 years....fitness continues to build if you continue to work at it but for most of us it's not an overnight thing. It takes years.
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

I agree that genetics really are the key--I've always lifted as heavy as possible & until recently I've always been described as "fit." But no matter how much I lift (I'm now squatting about 150 lbs) I stay pretty slim--my hips measure 33". I went to "cut" when I got really serious about my diet 2 years ago.

The odd thing is that people outside of the gym call me "skinny" (I actually had someone call me Mary Kate last week!), but my friends in the gym say "wow, you're really buff." As we all know here, the vast majority of people don't work out (although most of them will say "oh, I used to lift weights") so they can't really recognize someone who's truly serious about it. But people like us can see when someone has the drive & discipline to take care of our bodies they way they deserve.

Kind of off topic--last week the feds declared obesity a disease. I don't know about you guys, but this annoys the heck out of me. So now my insurance premiums are going up b/c some people don't have enough self control to stay away from Krispy Kremes? How about some tax breaks for those of us who work hard to stay slim & healthy!
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

Squatting 150 lbs!!!!!!!!!!! You are my hero and I'd say the name Maximum certainly applies:)

Yes, diet plays a huge part. When I did South Beach for a few weeks last fall, I actually had a four pack and my definition became much more apparent. I'm not saying a restrictive diet like South Beach is for everyone, but what I'm saying is that this was proof to me that diet is a huge part of the equation. I was still eating about the same calories but the type of foods were different then I would normally choose.
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

LOL it's Maximus, taken from my 3 year old pug (what can I say, we saw the Gladiator 3 weeks before we adopted him). But you can call me Laura. :)
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

That's funny, a pug named Maximus. That's really cute...although you've probably given him an inflated ego.

We have friends that named their black pug, Mr. Tibbs. He's adorable.

Our dogs are Hillary (yes, after her) and Sophie (after Meryl Streep in Sophie's Choice).
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

Girl, his ego is bigger than Haliburton's offshore accounts. He truly is the king of the world. But he deserves it--he's my pride & joy.
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

As Candi says, genetics plays a huge role.

I have long, lean athletic look and no matter how much lifting I do or how heavy I liftt, I never will achieve that "body builder" look. It's not in my genetic make up to do so. My legs always look slim and they feel muscly, they are hard, but never look as "buff" as some people's. My upper body looks pretty buff only if I work out constantly with heavy weights, typically with PUB and S&H. If I stop for a few weeks, that's it, it's gone, and I just look thin on top again.

My body type never really registers within the categories of "buffness" and "cutness". It registers within the category of "slim and lanky". However, I rate my progress in terms of my husband's response to my body and appearance: he likes what he sees and says I look younger than ever. I much prefer my energized, youthful appearance to acquiring "buffnesss" anyday.

Few people would look at me and exclaim, "gosh! she must lift weights." But I do! Honest!!!!

RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

You all are disciplined and lack genetics!LOL! I am the opposite. I have the genetics and lack the discipline (or time?!) I used to get called "Arnie" back in high school, so I suppose I have the "buff" look, just not the "cut" look!!LOL!!
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

In the past few weeks I've had a few compliments. A lady came up to me when I was grocery shopping and said, "Girl, you work out don't you, I can tell, I need to know what you do to get that body and how often?" The first thing I did was look around me cause I just knew she wasn't talking to me :7 I was so flattered:)

Then, later that week, I was walking my dogs and a lady in the neighborhood said, "I just love to watch you walk, your muscle tone and posture is so pretty". Needless to say, I had a pretty good week.

I just can't believe these types of compliments because I don't consider myself buff. After three years of Cathe, my upper body is very defined but I still have a little flab on my triceps (Thanks, Grandma) and I still consider my legs bigger and a bit flabbier than they should be. Part of it is because I know if I just disciplined my eating, they could look better.

So, maybe the enemy is just the perceptions of ourselves that we feed everyday. Maybe we are cut and buff, we're just seeing it through our critical eyes.
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

Hi Jackie,
I am so very glad you asked this question too!! I am newer ( 12/03)
to Cathe and lifting wts. I am making slow progress and learning alot from you all. I have noticed a little slowing in my progress too. I have been researching, going to the recommended websites you all have listed and trying to figure out my body type and what is going to help me get to my goal. I'm with you all too, I want muscles!!!! I want to be complimented on my arms especially, but I feel I am still in the process of learning how to do this and not knowing exactly how my body reacts to wt lifting. So, the information you all have provided me helps me to understand and do better. Thank you so very much. Jackie I wish I could give you the exact answer you need to help you, I just don't know it. I have been eating "cleaner" and learning more and more of how to do this.
I just don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you all asking these great questions and responding with so much knowlege and truthfulness. I'm 5'3" and currently weigh 130 lbs, so I know by looking in the mirror I need to at least replace about 10 lbs of fat with muscle and it keeps getting harder and harder to get there!!
I appreciate you all saying that it is a journey that may take even up to a few years to accomplish. I have hope!
Give life your all!
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

Jackie --

I don't think this is a STRANGE question at all, but it is a little difficult to word it correctly. I have worked out pretty seriously for close to 10 years now. About a year and a half ago, I realized that most of my friends, family, and co-workers knew that I was pretty healthy and that I worked out -- but, for the most part, I didn't look at whole lot different than they did. This really frustrated me because most of them never exercised and ate like crap and it didn't seem to make a big difference. I started to wonder why I worked so hard.

Then I got really serious. I got myself a trainer. I cleaned up my diet (more protein, less carbs, more fresh veggies, less processed foods -- except for protein bars/shakes). I worked out a LOT (1.5 hours of cardio/abs/light weights per day in the morning, heavy weights 3 times per week at lunch, sometimes a very low intensity walk after dinner). Somewhere (I think it was on this forum), I ended up going to a website where I read something that made a lot of sense to me, "you cannot get extraordinary results by taking ordinary measures". For ME, that is a true statement. Maybe some people can get by with 4 or 5 hours of exercise a week and a decent diet and look fabulous -- but I cannot. I had to get a little hard core :) Also, I was going to see Cathe in a few months and wanted to look great (and had to be in shape so I could keep up in her class).

The Pyramids made a HUGE difference for me. That whole Intensity Series rotation helped a lot! People started noticing. For the first time, I didn't have to tell people that I workout -- it was obvious. I get a LOT of compliments on my arms and shoulders (thanks Pyramids and Kickboxing). My biceps and triceps are GREAT (if I can toot my own horn for a second). I've had numerous people (men included) ask me how to train arms (oh...how they HATE that killer superset of bicep curls in PUB). Of course, the legs are still an issue for me :)

Overall, what I have finally learned over the last 10 years of working out is this:

1. Push yourself, but be smart about it (you don't want injuries). There's a fine line between pushing yourself enough and pushing yourself too far. Finding the right amount takes time.
2. Listen to what the "educated crowd" has to say -- but adapt it to your OWN body/mind according to your goals. No one can tell you what works for YOUR body. There are, of course, general guidelines for the majority of the population. But based on your goals and your body, you may need to do things a little differently.
3. Keep your body guessing. I think the mixture of cardio, abs, heavy weight training, muscular endurance, and flexibility keeps the body constantly guessing. Add some of each into every week.
4. Know when to take a break (mentally and physically) and be okay with it. This ties in with #1.
5. DIET is so important. Lack of protein, I believe, kept me from making noticeable changes for the last 9 years.
6. Doing more weight-workouts (either heavy or endurance-based) instead of more cardio helped ME tremendously.

So, I don't know if all that makes any sense or if it answers your question. I really think it is a matter of what you REALLY want and how much you are willing to give to the exercise/diet program.

RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

my cut parts are shoulders,bicep(with vein),tricep,a good bit of quads (I'm getting there).I have been working out for 13 years it wasn't until I busted thru 20lbs weights that I really started to notice. around 2 years ago when I did bfl is when I started getting defined .But I think I was just not lifting heavy enough before and of course diet.I have really let my diet slip and am trying to get back on track so that is why it amazes me that I am so defined that it is a topic of conversation for a hour.It's not that I mind answering ?'s but most of them would never pick up a wt in there life because they will" bulk".But latley the comments are coming from men.But everyone is noticing how cut I am.when I do go to the gym I only go to take a certain class I don't lift there.My muscles are "home grown";-) from videos.I do take the power cut class at the gym which is a endurance workout.I'm trying to do more endurance since I hate them .latley I have been doing bodybfit workouts and they toatlly fry my muscles.I'm getting ready to go back to p90x and than cathe.cardio wise I do a high impact video,or run anything to get me that I'm about to puke feeling for 20 min.usually not over 20 but maybe sometimes I will do longer cardio I would be bored to death if I had to do it for a hour.I like to get into it and out fast.But this is the way I work my body and it works for me right now that's subject to change at anytime:D
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

I only really get complimented if I am around other fitness buffs. Maybe they appreciate it more or something....
RE: Extremely STRANGE question about your

You are all 100% helpful as usual. It is reassuring to hear that it hasn't happened "overnight" for anyone. I guess I just needed to hear it again.

It just freaks me out how FAST time goes by and I don't want to be too old before I am able to finally reach my fitness goals ( If THAT makes sense to you)! And I don't necessarily mean too old as in years, but old as in "too late".

So, thank you to all. This is why I love this board as much as I do. People who work hard, and know how to help someone else get there. I don't have anyone in my life with my goals right now. And I think that I bore my friends when I talk about my workouts so much.

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