Extra copies of Oxygen Magazine - Any takers UK or US posters



I have just today recieved December and January copies of these mag with my Febuary copy. I already have them so if anyone would like these 2002 mags please let me know and I will arrange to ship them to you.

I will send them to you on Wed next week I should still have your address. I will recommend the Feb issue there are some really good articles and reciepes.

I used the new grill and just wipe it down with a damp cloth after use I just let it cool a little and its find for the next time. Ican't recommend it highly enough do get one.

That is nice of you. I had a few susbsciptions that I did not renew this time, but I would take all my old issues to Bally's and drop them off. Got sick of taking them to work where no one wanted to read them. The Bally members were really thankful!!

I just feel when I pay so much for a magazine, SOMEONE else should get some additional benefit out of it!! I love reading even really old fitness mags. Sometimes, if I kept one old enough I can go back to it and it is like it is brand new..I can't remember reading it the first time!!LOL!!
I thought magazine were really expensive to ship or I would have made this offer online.. How much did it cost to ship??
A BIG THANKYOU BABS !!!!!!!!!!!!! :7

I have been trying to e-mail but Yahoo is playing up x( , typically for a Saturday. Look forward to receiving them :)

Please can I send you the P & P ?

Yes, DH and I decided yesterday that we are getting the George Forman Grill with bun warmer - the children will be pleased, they are bacon mad at the moment, and I am sick of cleaning out my upper oven/grill !

I will try and e-mail you later :)

Many Thanks

Anna :)
RE: Extra copies of Oxygen Magazine - Any takers UK or ...

I think it works out to an additional $10 for the year on top of paying full price for the magazines. I normally keep these mags (I have only been subscribed since last year). I will probably try ebay to get rid of old copies but if they are too doggerd I will just recycle them. Shipping to the US one mag is just around $5.

I will check the email tomorrow I only checked in tonight as we have just got back in from seeing Chicago excellent movie another one I would recommend.

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