Based on what I've been learning over the past three weeks, your diet consists of mostly processed foods:
Shredded wheat-n-bran (processed cereal)
skim milk (processed)
sugar free yogurt (processed)
low fat dressing (probably has sugar)
cottage cheese (processed)
pita (processed and starchy carb)
cheese (processed)
Believe it or not, you have a lot of sugar in your diet. Sugar, whether from fruit or otherwise will turn in to fat if it's not burned off right away.
You don't show any lean meat or fish at all.
Not being critical cause Lord knows this is how I was eating and calling it clean. The definition of a clean food according to Ms Fit is a food you can hunt or pick or catch.
Based on what I've been learning over the past three weeks, your diet consists of mostly processed foods:
Shredded wheat-n-bran (processed cereal)
skim milk (processed)
sugar free yogurt (processed)
low fat dressing (probably has sugar)
cottage cheese (processed)
pita (processed and starchy carb)
cheese (processed)
Believe it or not, you have a lot of sugar in your diet. Sugar, whether from fruit or otherwise will turn in to fat if it's not burned off right away.
You don't show any lean meat or fish at all.
Not being critical cause Lord knows this is how I was eating and calling it clean. The definition of a clean food according to Ms Fit is a food you can hunt or pick or catch.