Exercising post-miscarriage


I had a miscarriage on Christmas Day. It was very early ( 5 weeks ). I had actually only known for sure that I was pregnant for a couple of days, although I had been very suspicious for probably a week before that -- even before I missed my period. Physically I'm doing fine. Emotionally is another story, but we don't need to go there. :-( I waited until the bleeding stopped before returning to my workouts, but I'm wondering if I waited long enough. I have worked out twice ( walk/runs on the treadmill both times ) and I was exhausted the next day both times. Do I need to take more time off, even though physically I seem to have bounced right back since it was so early? I know that fatigue can be purely emotional, and I am definitely dealing with emotional turmoil here, so maybe that's what it is? Right now I can't make myself do any of my videos, probably because I had been busily making mental modifications for later in my pregnancy, so doing something light and fun just isn't in the cards. Any thoughts from those have been here? Thanks!

Hi Erin!

I will leave the exercising questions for the experts but just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear of your miscarriage. I can ONLY imagine your emotional state especially because it was during the holidays:a time of fun, family and fellowship. I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and sending some prayers and a big cuber hug {{{ERIN}}} your way. Hope you are back to your workouts and feeling good real SOON!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Erin

Just wanted to let you know that I'm very sorry about your miscarriage.
Thinking of you,
RE: Hi Erin

Best wishes for a healthy future pregnancy, Erin. I would talk to a doctor if I were you, regarding exercise. But for now, let me just lend my support along with the others here.
Just want to send my heartfelt thoughts to you at this time. I've been through it, and the emotions are overwhelming. Allow yourself this time to grieve; it's okay.
Take care, and all the best.
Hi Erin,

When I had my miscarriage, my doctor told me that all of a sudden I would become "a member of the club" -- just wanted to let you know that we understand what you are going through.

I don't remember how long I waited to resume exercise, but it was quite some time, 4 weeks atleast. On top of the emotions, remember that you still have those early pregnancy hormones in your system and they can contribute to the exhaustion.

Take Care,

Hi Erin,
I had a d&c after my first mis, so I had to wait 6 weeks. They found that I had fibroids. My original doctor told me that I would never carry a baby to term with them.
I changed doctors and then had two babies both carried post term.
Remember, you're body still has a lot of hormones floating around. Take your time. I am so sorry for your loss, but I am sure that everything will work out.
Thanks for all of the support

The crowd here is really one in a million! Thanks so much for all of the support. It really means a lot. I'm coping, taking it one day at a time. My husband isn't sure that he wants to try again, so I may have a couple of brand new In Sport maternity workout T's and a pair of In Sport maternity shorts ( still with tags and everything )that will be up for grabs. I had found them at my favorite consignment store and couldn't believe my luck. Hmmmm. I may have to re-think that one.

Thanks for all of the advice. I'll try to take it easy and listen to my body. Best of luck everyone!

RE: Thanks for all of the support

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I also had one. 8 weeks later I was pregnant with #2. My advise - exercise at the level you feel up to. With me - exercise is my stress relief - so I tend to do more when stressed. You are in my prayers.
I am so sorry. My first pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage. Even though it's early, it breaks your heart. I tried to tell myself that I really hadn't lost all that much because I was so early but I really think I was just having a form of denial.

After I had mine, my breast continued to swell and hurt terribly and I was very tired. I believe this went on for 2 weeks. Your body is still in transition. It may take about a month for you to feel normal again. I agree with everyone else. Listen to your body and don't push yourself.

Hopefully hubby will change his mind. Mine also felt the same way and now we're on our 3rd. Don't you dare give away the clothes you found. Not just yet anyway. Who knows, you may need them pretty soon :)

Hugs Erin

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​

It really does help to have all of everyone's support, and knowing that I'm not alone in this. The strange thing is, this baby would have been number 5. We hadn't planned on this, it just happened. I had already given away all of my maternity and baby stuff, because we weren't planning to have any more. I was at peace with our decision. The moment I suspected I was pregnant, everything changed. Not only did I WANT this baby, but now that I've lost him ( Both my husband and I thought the baby was a boy, so we named him Jonathon - If we're wrong, we figured God can rename her. :) ), I can't IMAGINE not getting pregnant again. All of those things that I thought I would never have again: the joy of feeling the baby move inside of me, my husband gleefully pointing out to all of our friends that my belly button is poking out, nursing my baby, that sweet, just-bathed baby smell . . . all of a sudden they were going to be a part of my life again, and I rejoiced. And now he's gone, and I not only lost him, I lost all of the dreams of a life with him.

After a long session of crying and talking with my husband on Friday, we've decided to wait to make any decisions until my hormones settle down and we've really had a chance to grieve for Jonathon. We're thinking that by May or June we should be ready to make a decision. So I guess those maternity workout clothes will sit in the closet for a while.

Thanks again for everything!

RE: Thanks

Oh Erin, I can' just feel your pain. I am so so sorry!! I think it's probably wise to wait until things have calmed down to make a decision. Not only for your emotional well being but for your physical as well.

I've always loved the name Jonathon spelled that way :)

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Me again!

Hi Erin~Just a note to tell you I am thinking of you still and to say that I will continue while you wait to make a decision. I have a son named Jonathan (spelled with an "A", as the hospital told me 23 years ago, THAT was the PROPER spelling after filling out the info on him and spelling it with an"O"! Glad to know we can make our own decisions now!) I think Joni would make a cute girl's name, pronounced Johnny, in case God decides to rename her!!! Another BIG hug to you!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I waited two weeks when I had mine. During those two weeks I was real subdued and just took it easy and spent time with my son. My doc told me to wait at least 3 regular periods before trying again, but I wasn't ready until almost a year later. You WILL feel better. My SIL just had one today, but has known her baby was not alive since Monday. Yes, you did "join the club". Take your time :)

I have no advice to offer as I've never been pregnant but am so so sorry for your loss - hang in there.

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik
I am a little late too but I just wanted to express my sympathy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope you are doing ok!

Hi Erin! I'm sorry for getting here so late. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I can only imagine the painful emotions that you are experiencing. But I am happy to hear that you and your husband have decided to give it some time before you decide as to whether or not to have another baby. It is hard to make a sound decision when you are grieving.

Until then, please workout only when you feel up to it and only to a level that is acceptable to your body. I'll be thinking of you! Take Care Of Yourself!
I had to have a D&C the 22nd of December, I was 9 wks, but the baby was only 7 wks...emotionally it is tough...anyway, I am back at my video tapes full force now and feel much better, as I hope you are...my question for you is when did your MD advise you to try again????
I'm so sorry!

I'm so sorry for your loss! This is such a hard thing to go through! I was advised to wait 2 - 3 cycles, although I've heard from many people that they started trying again right away. Since you had a D & C, I would definitely ask your doctor how long to wait and follow his/her advise. It's my understanding that a D & C is much more physically traumatic for your body than a miscarriage where that ends up not being necessary.

Outside of the physical issues, you should try again only when you feel ready. If my husband were on board, I would be emotionally ( although not physically ) ready to try again starting yesterday. But some need more time to grieve before they start looking toward another pregnancy.

Best of luck! Again, I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

RE: I'm so sorry!

Thank you , I really hope you are healing from your loss as well! It is so nice to know women really do understand each other and are so supportive. Amazingly, one of my MD's said to wait 1 cycle, the other said 2-3!!!! Go figure!!!!! If we get pregnant at the same time we'll have to keep in touch!!! Thanks again...

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