exercises with gliding disks

Here are some ideas:

Lower body:
lunges in various directions (keep one foot stable--off disc--and slide other foot forward, 45 degrees forward, to the side, back. sink down into the glutes for a good butt workout!)

Stand with each foot on a disc, squat down, then stay down and move one foot to the side and back in. This really hits the standing leg (be sure to keep the heel of the standing leg off the disc as a 'brake'). Do reps on one side, or alternate sides. For a real glute burner, stay down in the squat position for several moves--either all to the side, or forward-in/side-in/back-in.

Put one foot on each disc and 'skate' side to side.

Do walking lunges.

You can probably come up with several variations.

Upper body:
Do push-ups with one hand on each disc, and move one hand out to the side on the way down, pulling in on the way up, or (advanced) both hands out on the way down and pull in on the way up. Replicates a chest flye, but tougher!

Kneel down, with one hand on each disc. Slide hands forward, then pull back with ab strength.

Watch the Ab Circuits clip on Youtube to get some other ideas for ab work with your feet on the discs.

If you have two sets of discs, you can put one hand or foot on each disc, and do kind of a "Spiderman" crawl.

Gliding discs are nice to take along when travelling: they don't take up much room in a suitcase, and they slide really well on hotel carpets.

thanks,Kathryn.i will try these. my sis and i went on a 45 min fast paced walk so my legs are very sore. i will try it this weekened.

One exercise I forgot to mention: glutes bridges/ham curls. Lie on your back, legs bent, with each foot on a gliding disc. Slide legs out and back, pulling with the hamstrings. You can either do this staying lying down, or stay up in a bridge position. If that's too easy for you:confused:, you can stay in bridge, and lift one foot so it points to the ceiling, pulling with only one leg.

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