Hello ladies!!
I am very lucky as I have an entire workout room devoted to working out only. My husband is finishing our basement, and finished my exercise room in August or September ...the rest of the basement is not completed yet....LOL..Prior to my exercise room completion I worked out in our bedroom, which is HUGE!! It looked very empty when all my stuff went downstairs.
I LOVE MY EXERCISE ROOM!!!!!!!! It is beautiful and perfect! I have faux clouds painted on all of the walls with a beautiful blue sky, I have light colored hard wood floors, recessed lighting, ceiling fan, no mirrors. I have only one very small basement window to look out of... it lets in the sunlight which is great! If I would have been thinking when we built our house, we would have put the egress window in that room instead of 2 egress windows in the living room of the basement. Hind sight is always 20/20..
I have a Treadmill, Elliptical, Johnny G Spinner bike, Bowflex, kick tower punching bag, 2 exercise balls, 40 lb Troy Lite weight set, 100 lb barbell set, 2 club steps with a total of 6 risers, 1 high step, 5,8,10,15,20 lb (I need 12 lb) dumbbells, 8 lb medicine ball, 2 lb ankle weights, large stereo with surround sound speakers, TV mounted on the wall with a DVD and a VHS player. I have all of Cathe's DVD's with the exception of the Hardcore extreme DVD, I have almost all of Christi Taylor's hi/lo DVD's, and more workout music than you could ever imagine.
I want a Power tower to do pullups, dips and abs. I would also like a reebok core board...maybe someday...LOLOLOL
I am a very happy lucky lady!!!!!!!


:9 :7 :+