Exercise O.K./Diet Issues



Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas as to how I can get control of my diet? I don't have a problem with exercise and currently am on a PS rotation. My problem is my diet. I cannot seem to gain control of what goes into my mouth. I do well for a few days and then I fall of the wagon. I am constantly "starting over".

Any help would be appreciated.
Kimmy - I am right there with you!! How awesome if someone had a miracle answer out there for us!! For me, though, I think that it is just a discipline issue. No one can help me with that except ME!! It's funny because I train so hard - you would think that I would think two or twenty times before I put food in my mouth!! Don't laugh, but I ordered the Tony Robbins "get the edge" set hoping that it will help me with sticking with a nutricious diet plan!!!! We'll see!!
Hi ladies!

I used to have a serious problem with my eating and have yo-yo dieted my entire adult life. I have to say that my problem with food is totally GONE now. I eat healthy 98% of the time with very little effort.

Don't ever go hungry. Eat every 2-3 hours. This will keep your blood sugars stable and you really won't crave the bad stuff. Keep each mini meal balanced with protein, complex carb and a tiny bit of "good" fat. That's what will keep you satisfied. Come up with a few things that are healthy but you really enjoy...and use those "snacks" as a way to counteract the bad stuff. Don't waste your time with fat free crapola...use real foods and keep your portions small. I remember Tom Hanks talking about how he lost weight for the film Cast Away and he said that he never ate anything that was bigger than his fist. That's a pretty good gauge of the proper size portion of protein and carb for each mini meal.


Think of eating as fuel. The better your diet, the better you feel. Concentrate on feeling good rather than thinking...I CAN'T have that, because it's human nature to want what we think we can't have. Sooooooo many people have asked Cathe exactly what she eats to look like the goddess she is and she always replies that she eats a diet that varied and balanced with an occasional treat here and there. I'm sure if she said that she ate xyz...people would try to emulate that to a T rather than find what works for them.

A lot of people go on "diets" thinking that they HAVE to be completely strict to see results and if they have a piece of cake, they blew it and might as well hit the McDonalds drive through on the way home and then top it off with a bowl of ice cream. I used to binge eat to the point of nausea. I say, eat your SMALL piece of cake...enjoy every single bite and MOVE ON with your life. Pick up the good eating habits again RIGHT AWAY and don't give into the all or nothing mentality.

Some people like to have a cheat day, but I really got out of control on this and felt that it put me back very far in my progress. Now, I'll have one or two treats during the week with no guilt and no setbacks.

For the record, I had a baby a year ago and gained over 50 pounds. Now I'm in a size 2, leaner and MUCH stronger than before I had him. I do think that I'm so busy taking care of him that the food "issue" really has no place in my life anymore. It takes a LOT of emotional energy to stress so much about your diet. Now, I'm so concerned about making sure my little boy learns to eat healthy that our meals are always balanced, healthy and relatively clean. Of course, I wouldn't want him to go through life without knowing the joy of a fresh baked cookie...so why would I put that restriction on myself. Life is WAY too short! (by the way, the second and third cookie tastes exactly like the first, so really take the time to savor that ONE)

I say, relax and don't be so hard on yourself. You CAN do it and always remember you are in control. It might take a while, but soon you can be free of this vicious cycle too. I wish you the VERY best of luck. I really know exactly where you are coming from. I'm sorry this post is so long, but this is a topic that I am extremely passionate about. Keep working hard with Cathe and everything will fall into place.
RE: Thanks!

Letswork, thank you so much for your post. Very inspiring! I'm right there with everyone else who has no problem working out, but a big problem with sticking to the diet aspect of the fitness equation. I am thrilled for anyone who has had this problem and has overcome it. I was thinking this morning during IMAX2 that I honestly do not know ANYONE in my "regular" life (as opposed to my forum life :7 ) who works out to the degree that I do. I'm sick of not seeing the results of my work and I know that it is 100% because of my diet.
RE: Thanks!

Angela - those were my exact thoughts this morning, too!! I was also doing Imax 2, sweating my butt off, thinking diet and nutrition are #1 problems!!!! Maybe we should check in with each other periodically for motivation to stick with better eating habits!!!
Thank letswork for posting your story!! I also want my son to grow up with good eating habits - that should be motivation enough, right???
RE: Thanks!

http://www.radiantrecovery.com best advise I can pass out to anyone who ask for assistance with eating and food issues. The website itsself is a storehouse of information. There are great forums and people to help for free.

Also the 3 books the author has written are great. I'd suggest her 2nd book to begin with.

RE: Hi ladies!

Hi Letswork!" WELL SAID!" "Great attitude"
Congratulations on overcoming your eating disorders and sharing your experience with us!
Hi Francine

You're the gal that takes LIVE Cathe classes, aren't you? I simply cannot speak to you as I am far too green with envy. Thanks for all the posts you write, I lurk and read them all. You are a bundle of contagious energy and I always appreciate your input.
Hi Kimmy - You got great advice! I've had a lot of trouble controlling my sweet tooth. What has helped me tremendously was increasing my protein and water intake. Good luck! Cathy
RE: Hi Francine

That's me;-) I'm glad you're enjoying my posts, I hope you find them helpful and informative! I too really enjoy lurking here and getting my fitness fix:p
Hi Kimmy! You have wonderful advice here! I just wanted to add some additional reading for you about eating disorders at http://www.fitnessvideofanatics.com/trainers/franci/physvsemoeating.fit You can beat this! Find what triggers you! Once you have broken your bad eating pattern, you will be wanting those foods less and less! Remember that only YOU control what goes into your mouth, FOOD does not control you! Believe in yourself! Visualize what your goals are and write them down, keep a pic on your fridge and every 4 weeks put another one beside it! This way when you go to the fridge for a craving you will see the pic and remember why you are doing this ! You'll be motivated by seeing your progress and see what you already achieved! Also write down the reasons you are doing this after you hang up your pic to constantly reassure you of your goals! Best of luck to you!;)
Thank you to everyone for all of the great advice. I really have to get my butt in gear and address my eating issues. I have to learn how to eat. I never had to worry about what went into my mouth before I hit 30, so this is kinda of new. I did go on weight watchers and lost 11 pounds (I didn't have much to lose)even with a cheat day. I want to go back on weight watchers, but I appear to have some mental block and seem to be unable to stick with it. I thought exercising would have been the hard part, but I have that down pat now. The cravings I have now are new to me. The funny things is I never really liked chocolate, soda and chips etc. These are things I could have easily passed on, but now it seems impossible to pass up.
I too have problems with my diet. The thing is, I'm not at all overweight, but I have a "layer" of fat preventing me from seeing results. I am 100% sure diet is to blame. And I also start over and over which is telling me I'm doing something wrong. I just read how one fitness pro doesn't think people need to do so much cardio if their diet is clean. I agree.

I have 4 tips:

1. My solution to eating poorly is to keep the junk out of the house!! I can blame myself and my family members, but if the junk food wasn't there, I wouldn't be eating it. Go to the grocery store with a list and stick to it. Maybe buy ONE treat- and not a carton of ice cream or cookies cause you know you'll devour it!- maybe get single-serving sundae cups. List your trigger foods and don't buy them. If you eat a big bag of chips in one day, don't get them (or get single-serving sizes). Same goes for "low-fat" foods like pretzels: a whole bag isn't healthy!

2. Be prepared. When I come home and eat 5 cookies, it usually means I waited too long between meals. So always carry snacks with you if you're going to be away from home for awhile.

3. Don't skimp on meals. This will backfire and you'll end up eating just as much later on- and it probably won't be healthy snacks!

4. Keep a food journal and be honest. I had to write everything I ate for my nutrition class and analyze it. I didn't think I ate terribly that day, but after adding up the RDA numbers, I saw that I wasn't getting nearly enough nutrients! The foods I ate were lower-caloried, but almost nutritionless. Keep in mind the nutrients you're getting.

If you eat well at home, you should be able to eat out once or twice a week and get a decent meal- just eat half if it's not too healthy and take it home.

Good luck!

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