exercise in public....

I have to chime in and agree with Debra re: not wearing headphones when running outdoors. I prefer to be really aware of my environment when I'm running outside, and save the headphones for the treadmill. Another safety tip: it is better to plan your route so you can tell someone where you're going, and how long you think you'll be gone. I also like to plan my route so I know exactly how far I've run.

When I don't plan my route, I just head out the door and set my watch for 30 minutes. I run wherever I feel like going, and when my watch beeps at the 15 minute mark I turn around and retrace my steps til I'm home again.

Boring country roads????? I'd rather run in the country than through any neighborhood, any day. I'd rather have the farmer's freshly manured field in my nose than sickening exhaust fumes. Personally, the forest and trails offer so much...and just another opinion...I'd rather be able to hear myself think than wear a Walkman. I also like to be more aware of my surroundings. Plugging up my ears makes me nervous.

But, for the topic at hand. Basically, you are doing your runs for you...so do it where you want, country or neighborhoods and when you want. Be proud. You are doing something so special for yourself. You will be astounded at the way the pounds will melt off. My sister lost over 100 pounds and I know that running combined with a clean diet and good weight training were key elements. It's not easy. But running can become so cathartic. Who cares what people think? Maybe in a month or two they'll think, "Wow, look at her! I remember what she looked like a month ago. Maybe I should start running."
RE: Walk It Down, Talk It Down

Hey, Donna! Had to chime in here -

I agree with everyone's posts 1000% - whatever self-consiousness you might feel about walking/running outside "in public" will subside very quickly.

I like to take a power walk on Sunday afternoons weather permitting (and in Minnesota in the bowels of winter, sometimes weather does NOT permit), and my "walking suit" makes me look like I need my meds adjusted. Summer: Sports bra and floppy workout shorts, fanny pack with my Walkman and headphones (I dub music off of my favorite aerobics music CDs and stomp away), and 1-lb hand gloves and 3-lb wrist weights on each hand. Sweat pouring off me like a firehose. Winter: Sweats and my husband's old Air Force jacket, gloves UNDERNEATH my weighted hand gloves, wrist weights, Walkman. Yeah, I get looks, usually from people in cars driving two blocks to the store.

If you get funny looks, just tell them in your head that you're doing something that 85% of the American population ISN'T doing - working out consistently and productively.

RE: Walk It Down, Talk It Down

Also Donna I would guess that most people who see you will think "Man, I should be doing that..." and drive off feeling guilty...not thinking bad things about you. You'll be an inspiration!
Hi Donna,

Have you had a look at runnersworld.com? It has some useful advice on getting started.

I just went out for a walk/jog (alternating for 1 minute each for a total of 20 minutes) on Monday for the first time in ages. It was warm so I had shorts on that kept riding upwards, so I was a quite self conscious about my legs (which are usually kept covered!). The worse part is jogging past groups of boys or men. I feel like they are looking at me even though they probably aren't. But, I really enjoyed it, and want to continue.

I think after a few more times, we won't even notice other people.


Thanks for the tip on the shorts! I can only imagine how upset with myself I would have been had I chosen shorts to wear and had to keep pulling them out of my crotch every few steps!
I have some leggings I think I'll use, at least I know they won't "ride up." :)
And yes, I've checked out runnersworld.com as well as coolrunning.com and they are both great sources of info.


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