exercise in public....


I know this is going to sound childish, especially for a 38 y/o woman, but as I edge closer to beginning my walk/run program, I am really a little tense about being "seen" in public!
I've had the privacy and security of my bedroom since day 1 of exercising to videos, no one else sees how goofy I look when I do a "flying angel" or "riccochet" but running will actually be in public! And I'm not exactly "jiggle free" in all areas if you catch my drift!
Did anyone else feel even remotely like this prior to walking/running in public?
On one level I know I shouldn't let something this superficial bother me, yet on another level I'm feeling like, "okay, maybe in another 10-15lbs I'll feel better about exercising in public!"
Anyone have any "how I got started" stories to kick me out the door?
Hi Donna,
Here is what I do. I go very early in the morning before the sun is up. Less people are out and the ones who are either can't see me or look as goofy as me. (it is also cooler - I live in Florida) Now if you are just NOT a morning person, this will not work. I don't know how crowded the outside is in the evening after dark, cuz I'm usually asleep! lol

Hi Donna,
I am a runner who only runs outdoors and I used to feel extremely self-conscious about it. Now, it doesn't bother me so much, but I still prefer that no one sees me. The funny thing is that when I started running I was extremely thin, but I happened to gain weight as I was increasing my mileage. That made me feel even more self-conscious - I figured my neighbors were wondering how anyone could run so much and get fat! I don't know what they say about me behind my back, but many of my neighbors have told me that I've inspired them to walk or walk/run and I do see many more of my neighbors out and active which makes me feel really good.
If you feel ready to get out the door and start your walk/run program, don't worry about what other people think - you are doing something good for yourself!!
My suggestion is to buy a few brand-new workout outfits that make you feel attractrive and great. When I first started back at the gym back in the 90's after gaining about 40 pounds, I went out and bought about 6 XXL tank-tops in very pretty colors. They went down to my knees almost... as someone who used to work out in mid-thigh tights and crop tops, at first I was a little hot. But after about a week I got used to it and until I got over my self-consciousness, those tank tops were my best friends.
AND PS... Even though you think that the whole world is looking at your butt or your arms, they really aren't!
Donna, I hear you - I am painfully shy about exercising in public. If you saw my chest, you would know why. Although I don't run I do walk very fast with a ridiculous gait. Even my husband laughs at me. All I can say is that it does get easier in a very short period. The more you do it, the more oblivious you become to everyone around you. I used to cover myself from top to toe in the beginning and now I have become practically shameless - I'm just too hot to care. I normally go in the evening when its dark. No one can see me. Infact I only pass other people like me (with jiggles and all) trying to get their daily dose of exercise. Perhaps you could start with walking (just to get used to being out in the open) and then slowly progress into a jog and then run. Do not wait for another 10 - 15lbs - once you do it, you will wonder what the fuss was all about. Its like switching to a healthy lifestyle. It seems so hard to get started but once you do, you wish that you had done it a lot sooner. Best of luck.
Dear Donna,

I bet your cold feet will go away after a walk/run or two, but to help you out the door on those first few tries, think about the fact that you could inspire others to be as brave as you. If you get just one more person out there exercising, you'll be benefitting two rather than just one. Also, your obvious enjoyment of working out as well as your obviously warm and friendly personality will shine through in your body language--anyone who sees you is gong to think nothing but positive thoughts. Just think about Honeybunch not "giving a flip" what others think! Good luck!

you wrote that you gained weight with increased mileage. This is something that concerns me as I am thinking of increasing my range from 3 to 5 miles/day (4-5 days/week) to 4-6 miles/day or even 5-8miles/day. Why exactly did this happen to you. Was it a noticeable increase? Just curious, thanks.

Donna-- get out there and just run girl!!! Don't ever worry about others. Your progress (I read this board all the time, just never really post) is so encouraging! Keep up the great work and attitude!
Oh, honey, I have been there and done that. I had more than 25 lbs to lose when I started running in public and I was SO self-conscious. I could just imagine what people were thinking: "Look at that fat@ss trying to run."

But, after a few weeks as I got stronger and ran longer, I noticed that most people were WALKING while I was running. And, I thought, "Yeah, I KNOW how hard it is to run, but I'm DOING IT."

So, no, I'm not self-conscious running (and jiggling in public) in public anymore.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Now, dearie, you KNOW what I'm going to say, "Get your CD player or walkman armed with your favorite tapes, tie your shoe laces and just get on out there!"

I prefer to go out in the early, early am when no one is out to care what I look or smell like, but I also go to malls where a lot of oggling old men walk with their buddies. I just pay attention to my tunes and don't even look at them. Nobody is going to stop me from walking, but if you're concerned, just wear something you think looks good.

JUST DO IT, chick!
You ALL have convinced me to just "bite the bullit" and do it! I laughed throughout each post, but it made me realize that even if I do feel and look goofy, I won't be the first or the last, so I might as well do it. I am an early morning person, so I'll probably get out there very early, plus it's cooler in the am, so that's a winner for me.

Another question~ do you guys "plan" your route in advance or "wing it?" I'm thinking I should plan a route initially, but what do you all do?

Thanks for the "kick out the door." :)

Unfortunately, my weight gain was caused by eating too much! Maybe the extra running made me hungrier? I doubt it - I think I just lost self-control and gained weight as a result. I was battling eating disorders at the time. I think, for most people, increasing mileage will not result in weight gain.
Good luck with your running! Remember not to increase your mileage too fast - I think the rule of thumb is no more than 10% per week. Also, I highly recommend cross-training to prevent injuries and get better results from your workouts!
I'm a planner...

I usually run laps on my road - it's a 2 mile loop. I keep a water bottle on my driveway and use it each time I go around. But, if I am running somewhere different I definitely plan my route ahead of time.
Woo-Hoo, Donna!!!

I remember you talking some time back about how you were going to start walking/jogging AFTER you lost a bit more weight! I am sooo happy to hear you're going to "go for it"! Woo-Hoo! I'm also a jogger, (not a fast one) and I also was a bit nervous abut what people in my neighborhood would think, especially because I look pretty dang rough before I've had my shower and who wants to get all made-up to go out & jog. I've finally realized what we do is for ourselves, NO ONE else! Just wait, there is something about being out in that open air that feels sooo good. Just take it a step/jog at a time and I KNOW you'll be tickled with yourself. Keep us posted after your run TOMORROW! ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I'm a planner...

What honeybuch said! I love running with my walkman. Your mind is on the music and exercise that's it overwith before you know it. And as a driver, when I see people out running/walking, I don't notice what there wt. is. I mostly think, "Good for them".

Just do it. You'll feel better afterwards.:)
I wing it....if I want to walk 45 minutes, I turn around and go back after 22-1/2. Makes is more interesting. I love to walk in neighborhoods, too. No boring country roads for me. Also small towns are nice, too. My favorite is malls, as I've said many times. Of course, if you are planning to run, I wouldn't do it in a mall!
I've decided to "pling" it~kind of a planned wing it! :) I've planned which neighborhood to walk/run in (I have several small groups of neighborhoods surrounding me), but I'm winging it as far as how far I'll go and what route.
I'll be getting my shoes next week (could have warned me that good shoes were so expensive!) I was shown models that went as high as $120. (I had to tell the man, "I want to run in them, not pay rent to live in them!) So he showed me several New Balances I could chose from that were in the $80 range. I, according to the shoe salesman, am an over pronator!? So I need shoes with stability and motion control, that will prevent my feet from rolling over!? Did they teach this language in school? I tried to look intelligent on the matter, but when he brought out the $120. shoes, I figured the word "sucker" had already appeared on my forehead! Plus, through reading info on the websites many of you suggested, if I have to get new shoes every 3-4 months, I'll be d--ned if they'll be $120. a pop! So I'll be going back on Tuesday with my socks in hand to try on running shoes, plus my pedometer should be here any day now (thanks Honeybunch! every since you raved about yours I've wanted one!) and I'll be out the door.
Any shoe advice?
Hey Donna!

A running store should be able to find an appropriate shoe for you in the $80 range. Sounds like the salesperson misread you - some people want the latest technology or styling.

Unless you're wearing "LOOK AT ME" attire, people don't look. If your neighbors see you, they'll just be impressed. Even running events have all sorts of body types & clothing.

I have a general idea of my route, but since I usually run for time not mileage it does vary.

All of us should be careful about using headphones. A mall w/ people around is safe. But it's risky to use them when running the streets at dawn or dusk. Human predators are not the only safety factor. I frequently come across runners/walkers w/ headphones who are oblivious to my vocal warning that I'm about to pass on my bike & it's not unusual to startle them. Be careful out there!

Have fun!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-02 AT 04:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Donna. Sounds like you're committed to starting a running program. I think that's great and when I see walkers/runners doing their thing, the first thing I feel is admiration regardless of their shape or speed. It takes discipline to push yourself out the door and just do it!

One thing that I have found about shoes is that after you run for a while and go through a few pair of shoes, you'll be able to judge on your own what will or will not work with shoe fit. Eventually, you'll be able to shop for bargains. The last time I went shopping for running shoes I was able to pick up a pair of New Balance 804s at Just for Feet for $29.99 and another pair of 804s at #####'s Sporting Goods for $49.99 (yes, all on the same day!) It won't be long before you're finding your own bargains.

Have fun!

Edit: LOL I couldn't enter D I C K's without this happening, #####'s
I've never paid more than $79.00 for walking shoes. I go to
D!ick's Sporting Goods, which is the cheapest place to buy shoes, and they have a good selection. I used to wear Reebok Roadglider DMX's, but they don't make them anymore. You can usually get Reebok just about anywhere. I've tried all kinds of brands, and seem to gravitate toward New Balance.

Good luck....by the way there IS such a thing as a "walker's high." Really, there's nothing like an early AM walk when it's not hot.

You'll be amazed with the pedometer, especially comparing total steps on cardio days and non-cardio days.
At home, I mapped out a 2 mile, 4 mile, and 6 mile route in my car so I know my markers. I also have a 60 minute music tape for when I travel and run, so that I know when to turn around and head back without having to map it. (I live in the desert so unfortunately, during the summer months I am on the treadmill mostly. It is already 91 degrees by 5 am. YUCK....)
I personally have found those markers to help me on days I am needing motivation-- (Just make it to the park, then you can turn around, you can do it you can do it....)
Different people find their motivation in different places. Some people hate music....I get bored without it. Just dive in, and see what works for you!

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